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A popular approach to decompose the neural bases of language consists in correlating, across individuals, the brain responses to different stimuli (e.g. regular speech versus scrambled words, sentences, or paragraphs). Although successful, this model -free' approach necessitates the acquisition of a large and costly set of neuroimaging data. Here, we show that a model-based approach can reach equivalent results within subjects exposed to natural stimuli. We capitalize on the recently-discovered similarities between deep language models and the human brain to compute the mapping between i) the brain responses to regular speech and ii) the activations of deep language models elicited by modified stimuli (e.g. scrambled words, sentences, or paragraphs). Our model-based approach successfully replicates the seminal study of Lerner et al. (2011), which revealed the hierarchy of language areas by comparing the functional-magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of seven subjects listening to 7min of both regular and scrambled narratives. We further extend and precise these results to the brain signals of 305 individuals listening to 4.1 hours of narrated stories. Overall, this study paves the way for efficient and flexible analyses of the brain bases of language.
This research aims to reduce the possible consumption in CMOS digital circuit type and to develop new methods in this area and get the results of a new process applicable in the field of the development of integrated electronic devices of high inte gration VLSI, has been in this study the possible reduction of consumer dynamic by Reduction Of switching Activit where the researcher changed the architecture of digital circuit on the possible consuming, and she used different combinations of the circuit. the researcher got good results in a manner using the Matlab simulation program where she got reduction of 01%, which helps us to achieve high standards in the design of integrated circuits.
Total of 33 isolates of lactic acid bacteria from different samples (Dairy products, Pickles), were isolated and identified according to the common characteristics of lactic acid bacteria. Twinty-five isolates were rods and 9 were cocci.
The phenolic compounds were extracted from leaves and flowers of Hops and grape seeds from local production by soaking with different solvents (Methanol-ethanol-alcohol and water mixture) . The polyphenols content in the methanol extracts for 100 g dry matter was 6.31 g for the grape seeds, 2.08 g for Hops leaves and 0.6 g for Hops flowers. Methanol extracts were characterized by an antioxidant activity that appeared by their ability to Reduce ions ferriques Fe+3, at a concentration of 2500 ppm, the Reducing Power was 96.45% , 67.56% for the grape seeds and Hops leaves, respectively. The methanolic extracts of grape seeds and Hops leaves at 80 ppm showed activity in scavenge free radical DPPH. was 82.04% and 40.92% respectively. The methanolic extracts of grape seeds and Hops leaves at 250 ppm gave the ability to protect linoleic acid from the oxidation process of 78.98% and 48.41%, respectively. The antioxidant activity values of the extracts were compared with standard samples of ascorbic acid and BHT.
Tartous governorate has many tourist attractions which led to the emergence of a range of tourist activities, ranging in size and diversity in the size of their presence according to varying demand and the form of dealing with the activity and in l ine with the interests of investors and their vision of tourism work and returns. The tourism activities have shown the importance of tourism and the number of visitors according to the statistics of 2010 to tourist sites is 117500 tourists and also the activity of residence includes accommodation in chalets, furnished apartments and hotel accommodation is the most common feeding activity between activities in addition to religious and cultural tourism and hiking.
40 samples were collected from milk from Homs to isolate the bacteria and study their ability to produce the enzyme β- galactosidase and diagnose isolates the most efficient in the production of the enzyme, the results showed the presence of 25 sporeforming isolates producing the enzyme β-galactosidase , the effectiveness of β-galactosidase was estimated using spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 420 nm.
The present study comes from the need of the faculty of Sport Education to apply coeducation among genders, especially in their practical lectures, and in order to know the students' attitudes towards this coeducation. This is a search that opens t he door to debate the subject of coeducation between genders with both negative and positive aspects, and highlights the differences between both male and female students, and whether first and second year students (where coeducation is practically applied) have more positive attitude than third and fourth year ones. To support this purpose, a valid questionnaire was distributed on a sample consisted of 291 students from different years within the academic year 2015-2016. From all above, results show that the majority of students adopt a positive attitude towards coeducation between genders in their practical lectures. As no effect has appeared to the attitudes of variable-sex. Also, it show that there are no statistically significant differences between the trends of first and second year students with the third and fourth year ones towards this coeducation.
Ten medicinal plants were chosen from various plants in Syria which used as spices or cooked and Syria traditional medicine. Their names Rosemary, Damask rose, Chamomile, Sumac, Silver linden, Black cumin, Thyme, Mint, Laurel and lemon balm. Mois ture, yield of extraction, total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activities of methanol, ethanol, acetone and aqueous extracts of medicinal plants were investigated. The TPC were measured by Folin-Ciocalteu method, and the antioxidant activity was assessed by the scavenging activity towards 2, 2′-diphenyl- 1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH)-radical.
The country Elam, one of the neighboring powers of Mesopotamia, and one of the areas of tension often, also had a significant Dorssayas in that experienced Mesopotamia of events, at least as important as the commercial and economic role, a role of RPR that fluctuate between war and peace over the years, and will deliver search more light on the side of the activity of the kings of the Assyrians a hundred and fifty years ago, it was characterized as a military richest in the history of Mesopotamia, in order to provide focused information on the relationship between Assyria and Elam, during the study period.
We aimed in this study to evaluate the effectiveness of Syrian propolis on some bacterial strains isolated from Al-Assad hospital in Latakia, to estimate its antimicrobial activity. Thus, we studied two propolis samples from two regions in the Syrian coast, and prepared ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP) with different concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 5%, 10%, and 20%). Then we tested these extracts on four strains of bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Acinetobacter baumannii), using pore method on Muller Hinton Agar. As we observed, the bacteria showed diverse susceptibility to the extracts and the most susceptible bacterium was Staphylococcus aureus which was sensitive to all concentrations and especially for EEP 20%. However, the least affected bacteria were E. coli and Pseudomonas, as the 0.5% and 1% EEP had no efficacy. On the other hand, there were little differences in antimicrobial activity between the two samples of propolis.

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