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القانون الدولي الإنساني و قانون النزاعات المسلحة بين النظرية و الواقع

2106   6   184   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2003
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
شارل روسو ( القانون الدولي العام )، الأهلية للنشر والتوزيع، 1987
محمد عزيز شكري ( مدخل إلى القانون الدولي العام ) ، دمشق، 1980
( الكتاب السنوي لمحكمة العدل الدولية )، عام 1996.
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This research shed light on the concept of human security and the new values it adds to the current concepts in international law. It starts with identifying human security and its elements and the main mechanism to achieve it, through what will be presented of the work of publicists and international bodies. Then it proceeds to the international changes that led to its appearance, and the criticisms that were directed to this concepts, and the main international bodies that work in this field, whether inside or out side the structure of the United Nations, to conclude with the similarities and diffrences between human security one the first hand and human rights and traditonal concepts of security on the other had.
The importance of the study of the environment under international humanitarian law to the exposed developing countries to global marginalization led by the major industrialized countries redeployment of polluting industries to the environment in the south of the developing regions under the slogan of contributing to the development of developing countries, and in this context, we must address the requirements of environmental protection in the international humanitarian law remained and the efforts being made for it, especially at the time of wars and armed conflicts
The role of private security companies in the armed conflicts like training, intelligence, consultation and sometimes fighting has led to consider them, one of the contemporary challenges that international humanitarian law is facing. The legal st atus of "private contractors" in contrast with combatants, the absence of hierarchy command for private contractors make it hard to ensure their respect of international humanitarian law, or even sue them in case of violations. The initiatives for self or international regulating of private companies to ensure their respect of international humanitarian law still UN effective and didn’t resolve the contracting and the relative states from their responsibility
دور القضاء الجنائي الدولي في حماية الأطفال أثناء النزاعات المسلحة : الطفل كائن ضعيف البنيان غير مكتمل النضج وهو بحاجة إلى من يمنحه الأمن والامان ويتعهده بالرعاية
The international court of justice is the main judicial body to the United Nations. It functions whereby a statute، which is considered an integral part of the Charter of the United Nations، and the court leads a role represented in resolving legal disputes raised by member states، and providing advisory opinions in those legal issues referred to the court by United Nations bodies and authorized specialized agencies.

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