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The search is focused on the importance of Syrian exports to the national economy، its role of community development; and improve all economic indicators، and their direct and basic role; and a high rate of economic growth and increasing foreign ex change and trade balance adjustment، reduce unemployment and increase cope positively with the world economy; and improve other sectors of activation and improved exchange rate and increase foreign exchange and improve conditions for foreign trade، equity and index of trade integration and the improvement of quality and increase competitiveness، The importance of this research is we are in urgent need current، specifically since the start of the war to Syria since mid- March 2011، to increase foreign exchange and activate economic sectors especially we're rebuilding. This needs to activate economic cycle and increase exports، especially industrial and rationalizing imports، particularly of luxury. This and requires induced economic sector arrangement. We have chosen the agriculture sector، and the need to go to increase agricultural exports. We'll focus on it in our present search، hoping to succeed in serving our country to withstand economic backbone and Foundation of all other types of resilience.
The Theme Of this research mainly focuses on the effects of foreign trade liberalization on the trade balance for agricultural sector in Syria , after conducting an analytical study of the reality of this sector . And that’s due to its importance and its Stature in the national economy, and its effective role in production , labor , and drive economic growth , especially that the Syrian economy is classified in the agricultural economies. As the new economic trend, and regional conventions between Syria and other parties , and its accompanying procedures followed in order to cope with the foreign trade liberalization data and open markets , may significantly effected the agricultural sector. Where although it contributed to increase the size and rate of growth of Syrian agricultural trade, but this increase is caused by an increase in the volume of agricultural imports that exceeded the volume of agricultural exportrs, and that led to a defict in its balance, after it has achieved larg surpluses for long period. It was concluded from the study, that the process of foreign trade liberalization carried in some of its aspects, negative effects on the Syrian agricultural sector, inparticular the defict of its trare balance, instead of being great motivation , to take its pioneering role in economy.
The theme of this research mainly focuses on the effects of the reductions in the rates of customs duties on Syrians commodity imports. In the line with the process of foreign trade liberalization in Syria. Where that Syria has recently tended toward s its foreign trade liberalization, and open markets, and engaged in regional and international partnerships. The study used economical analysis method to study some indicators relating to customs duties and foreign trade in Syria. So the research reached to some important results, that the process of reducing customs duties that associated with foreign tread liberalization, has contributed significantly to the increase in the volume of commodity imports, which led to an aggravation defect in our trade balance, and deterioration the terms of trade exchange, in addition to the significant decline in the rate of customs proceeds to imports in the national economy. And that needs primary reducing the dependence on imports in our economic activity, and trending towards activation the alternatives imports industry, especially those that constitute a burden on our trade balance. Inaddition to try to find some other recommendations that serve the aim of research.
This research studies the trade balance in Syria, and how it has been influenced by the public development expenditure which is considered to be the major way to develop production and export capability, and to reduce the dependence on imports, so th at the trade balance gets positive changes. We find that the public development expenditure has significant effect both exports and imports, but the way it manages this expenditure leads to an increase in imports higher than the increase in exports. In other words, this expenditure failed to solve the problem of trade balance deficit. Hence, there must be an expansion in the public development expenditure with efficient management to improve the level of production quantity and quality, in addition to measure the reflects of this expenditure and other economic policies on foreign trade sector constantly, so we can get the maximum benefits of it
The export sector is the main driver of the development process of any country and one of the main pillars of its economy, the importance of exports lies in their ability to create new jobs, reform the deficit in the balance of payments, and attract private investment, both domestic and foreign then they help achieve sustained growth rates. They are also the most important sources of foreign exchange, and without export the economy fails to develop and unemployment increases. This research studies the evolution of Syrian trade balance during the period 2000 – 2010. Results show that the balance of trade suffered a deficit between (2004-2010). exports were much lower than imports. Oil exports and their impact on total exports and on the Syrian economy in general as well as agricultural exports and their share in total exports were also analyzed using Hirschman Index.

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