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This study aims to identify the level of volunteer work culture (perception and participation business volunteer) at Damascus University students under the current Syrian crisis, and know the most prominent expected benefits from the practice of v oluntary work, as well as to identify the main obstacles that prevent the practice of voluntary work among students undergraduates. And depending on the descriptive approach through the design of the questionnaire included four axes contained (40) is in addition to the demographic variables, were distributed to a random sample of the class in a way choice, of which there were 384 students in all faculties of the University of Damascus.
This paper aims to identify the most important internal factors may effect on profitability of Syrian private banks during the period (2009-2015). To achieve the objective of the study, Researcher study the dependent factor profitability measured by return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE), and the following independent factors (Bank size, Debt ratio, owner's equity, Liquidity, Net interest, and provision of credit facilities to credit facilities ratio).
this study aimed to study the effect of commissions on Indirect Credit Facilities provided by banks as a Documentary Letter of Credit and Letter of Guarantee in the profitability of commercial banks, BBSF was taken in this study because it was, t he first bank started working in Syrian banking market and that for the period 2005 - 2011.
Faggarat: are an old system to invest groundwater near the surface of the land. This system spread near dry regions. The research aims to define the Faggarat and their local distribution, the possibility to revive them in Syria revealing their ben efits economically, socially, historically, archeologically and environmentally because they promote aquatic and agricultural Perpetual Development in arid regions.
جاءنا هذا البحث ليبرز أهمية كتابين هما: بدائع الفوائد و نتائج الفكر للإمام السهيلي، و يبين بعض المسائل النحوية بينهما، و الصلة الوثيقة بينهما، ثم الإشارة إلى أهمية ابن القيم كثيرًا. و في البحث استجلاء ينفي أن يكون النحو في بدائع الفوائد هو نحو تسه يلي... و ذلك بالمقارنة بين الكتابين و إظهار تصريح ابن القيم بكل نقوله و فوائده.
تعد المذاكرة عند المحدثين وسيلة من أهم وسائل حفظ الحديث من الدخيل عليه، و تنوعت أقسامها حتى أصبحت فنًا له أصوله و قواعده، و هذا البحث يبين أقسامها و الآثار المترتبة عليها و ما لها من مكانة عند المحدثين في مجال النقد الحديثي و ضبط الحديث و حفظه.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا