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انواع المذاكرة عند المحدثين آثارها و الفوائد المترتبة عليها

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

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الأنساب، السمعاني- عبد الكريم بن محمد التميمي. الناشر: محمد أمين دمج/بيروت.
تاريخ بغداد، الخطيب- أحمد بن علي بن ثابت البغدادي. تصوير دار الكتاب العربي/بيروت
الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع، الخطيب البغدادي. تحقيق: د. محمد عجاج الخطيب، ط 1، مؤسسة الرسالة/بيروت.
rate research

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Currency is considered an important manifestation of the Kalifate`s or ruler`s power asit is an official source that cannot be challenged. Coins are seen as records for titles and attributes. Hence the Currency that was coined during Islam Era in Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo is considered an official document that empliticalunty of the Arab World. The plases where the currency was coined were known as Coining House ( Dar alsakka) Studying monetary is referred to as Numismatics, which is the science that studies monetary and seals. Studying Umayyad Currency through causes and effects in addition to the events between them gives a clear picture about the Islamic Civilization . Moreover, the coining prosess shows the development in various areas and it explains the political implications on the Arabs, those implications that held many positive aspects.
This research studies the poetic necessity according to the critics who were interested in poetry, and wrote criticized books chose between poetry and poets , and classified poetry into section , depending on meaning and pronunciation . Critics em phasized the unique nature of poetry ,this uniqueness made the poets question what was against then rules making apologies for it to keep it accepted . Critics looked at poetry as another level of expression and approved it with terms and conditions , such as / shame / judgement and poetry phenomena , such of it according to necesseties , critics had different views about necessities , some refused it , and described as ugliness that fades away by words water , while others approved it . Whatever opinion have the critics about necessities , it is aphenomenon that took their attention , some wrote whole books , and others chapters . In most cases , no one called it as mistake , and the lasting effect of poetry that has necessities keep it approved .
جاءنا هذا البحث ليبرز أهمية كتابين هما: بدائع الفوائد و نتائج الفكر للإمام السهيلي، و يبين بعض المسائل النحوية بينهما، و الصلة الوثيقة بينهما، ثم الإشارة إلى أهمية ابن القيم كثيرًا. و في البحث استجلاء ينفي أن يكون النحو في بدائع الفوائد هو نحو تسه يلي... و ذلك بالمقارنة بين الكتابين و إظهار تصريح ابن القيم بكل نقوله و فوائده.
contemporary economy is characterized by phenomenon of economic concentrations, the integration is consider as the major characteristics of the phenomenon, where the small or medium commercial companies will find themselves obliged to accept one of the two facts, namely, that they either merge with a company or a group of large companies in order to be able to face the competition from the other large companies were internal or external, or to govern on themselves to be eliminated in the result of its presence in the conditions of unequal competition.
This research aims to know about international coin systems and how it affects on undeveloped countries. It will study the gold system in the mercantile and the role in steal the developed. The research studies the system in the period between 191 4-1945 after distracted the global and Breton woods and how it affects on the undeveloped countries, discovered many result and some suggesting to save the undeveloped countries.
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