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The importance of this research is that it is one of the rare researches that touch on the philosophy of science at the French philosopher Gaston Bachler, And the role played by this philosopher in the development of the science of epistemology thr ough the epistemological concepts that he introduced to this science, Such as the concept of epistemological obstacle and the concept of epistemological estrangement in addition to the concept of temporal regression and the relationship of these concepts with each other, which contributed to the enrichment of the epistemology and its evolution.
This research deals with the most important political ideas that Averroes dealt with through his summarization of the Aristotle's book Rhetoric, in contrast to Avicenna and Al-Farabi's logical approach to this book. We will not go through the logical ideas in Rhetoric but rather focus on the Aristotelian political and philosophical issues which Averroes depends on in his summary of the book. It is an attempt to focus on Averroes's political ideas which preceded his summarization of Plato 's The Republic due to the fact that he didn't obtain the Arabic translation of Aristotle's book Politics. We try in this research to focus on Averroes's way of summary regarding commitment to the Aristotelian text and its literal denotations on some occasions, or the interpretive reading on other occasions. In addition, it will focus on Averroes's reliance on his predecessors' explanations of the same book to clarify some statements, and then his attempt to apply some Aristotelian political ideas on the Arab-Muslim political reality in the Middle Ages.
This research tries to analyze the political and external criticism of science and its achievements according to Habermas. Moreover, it tries to deal with the negative results of science in our contemporary human lives, especially its disability t o achieve the goals of justice, freedom and equality. Not only has science helped man to control nature, but it also has become a tool to economically and politically enslave man and control him. The research also tries to analyze Habermas' project which calls for criticizing positivist sciences and exploring the possibility of establishing new sciences based on communicating with others and understanding them to replace the current materialistic, instrumental and monodimensional sciences. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the existing sciences which have changed man from an end to means in order to achieve as much benefit as possible, which has turned his mind, morals and freedom into a product.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of analogy strategy in science teaching on Scientific Concepts acquisition and Basic science Processes Skills Toward Science Among the 5th grade Students in Mafraq. In order to achieve the pu rpose of the study, the researcher utilized concept acquisition test and Basic science Processes Skills test, and a techear guide was prepared to help teachers in teaching according to the analogy strategy.
تعتمد الغلة القصوى لمحصول الشعير من الحبوب على عوامل كثيرة، يأتي في مقدمتها، فعالية التمثيل الضوئي الكلي للورقة العلم لأنها المسؤولة عن إنتاجية المادة الجافة خلال مراحل النمو و نضج الحبة. بينت لنا الدراسة أن معدل التمثيل الضوئي الكلي للورقة العلم و هو العامل المحدد لإنتاجية السنبلة الرئيسية من الحبوب - يتوقف على محتوى الورقة العلم من كلوروفيل (a), و معدل وزنها الطري و مساحتها، و عمرها الوظيفي.

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