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تعد الدولة قديماً و حديثاً محور الدراسات السياسية من قبل المفكرين في العصور القديمة أو الوسطى أو الحديثة. فدراسة هيغل للدولة أعطتها مفهوماً خاصاً من حيث تركيزه على علاقة الدولة بالشعب و الأفراد، إذ أصبغ على الدولة صفة القداسة، و ادعى أنها تنتمي مباش رة إلى عالم الروح و الفكر و الإرادة " اللانهائي المطلق " برسم أصلها في الواقع و في مجال الفكر الفلسفي إذ أكد على أهمية العاطفة و الإرادة بقوله: "لم يتم شيئ عظيم في العالم من غير عاطفة" و لكن تاريخ العالم يتبع مملكة الروح، فالدولة هي الشكل الذي يصطنعه التجسيم الكامل للروح، و الدولة هي وحدة الإرادة العالمية الجوهرية مع الإرادة الفردية، لقد مجد هيغل الدولة حيث اعتبر أن كل ما للإنسان من قيمة و حقيقة روحية إنما تأتي إليه عن طريق الدولة، فالدولة هي الفكرة المقدسة.
Find sheds light on the problem perhaps more importantly, the total problems that we find in the history of philosophy , and is not a problem of nature Our research is trying to explore the meaning of the nature of the Beginnings, As we will try to, In this research dealt with the nature of the problem of the two sides Systematic and cognitive To find out the key points of the nature of the problem when the philosophers of the seventeenth century To try to adjust the nature of the problem in its historical context As we will try in this research shed light on the relationship between nature and other problems In the philosophy of Hegel, such as the relationship , for example, between nature and logic, nature and absolute idea. Is Hegel was able to solve the problem of nature and its relationship with the various aspects of his philosophy؟ Or is it Al this problem and do so by him Kant There is also in our many other problems discussed by Hegel with nature problem.
This study investigate the relationship between quality of work life and organizational citizenship behavior among workers at Damascus University, the study aims to identify impact of quality of working life on the organizational citizenship behav ior following dimensions (altruism, sportsmanship, civic virtue, courtesy, Conscientiousness) among workers at University of Damascus , the most important results indicate that there is a significant moral effect of quality of work life on behaviors (altruism, sportsmanship, civic virtue, courtesy, Conscientiousness) among workers at University of Damascus.
This research aims to identify the leadership styles in general and the established pattern of leadership in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education in particular, and the impact of this pattern on the morale of the employees of this party. The re search sample consisted of two hundred and fifteen male and female employees of various administrative levels in the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education and (Bass & Avolio, 1995) were used to measure the pattern of the leadership, and the (Bilbeisi 2013) to measure the morale. They have used the statistical methods which were suitable for the purpose of the questionnaires that were distributed to the study sample to examine the moral relationship to the variables of the study using the Statistical Package SPSS which is a program analysis for Social Science. The final result of the research is that the used pattern of the leadership in this Ministry is the transformational leadership pattern, followed by the interactive leadership pattern (procedural) and finally the negative pattern, which eventually effect the staff morale in various degrees and their keenness to work, considering that the percentages of compatibility of these patterns came too close together, which can explain or prove that the Administrative leaders in this Ministry; follow all administrative patterns of leadership depending on each case.
بحث في العلم الروحي الحديث من خلال بحث عدة دراسات وأبحاث لماهية الروح وعلاقتها باللجسد ابتداءً من الحضارات القديمة وحتى القرن العشرين.
بحث في العلم الروحي الحديث من خلال بحث عدة دراسات وأبحاث لماهية الروح وعلاقتها باللجسد ابتداءً من الحضارات القديمة وحتى القرن العشرين.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا