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Deep neural networks for natural language processing are fragile in the face of adversarial examples---small input perturbations, like synonym substitution or word duplication, which cause a neural network to change its prediction. We present an appr oach to certifying the robustness of LSTMs (and extensions of LSTMs) and training models that can be efficiently certified. Our approach can certify robustness to intractably large perturbation spaces defined programmatically in a language of string transformations. Our evaluation shows that (1) our approach can train models that are more robust to combinations of string transformations than those produced using existing techniques; (2) our approach can show high certification accuracy of the resulting models.
Embeddings of words and concepts capture syntactic and semantic regularities of language; however, they have seen limited use as tools to study characteristics of different corpora and how they relate to one another. We introduce TextEssence, an inte ractive system designed to enable comparative analysis of corpora using embeddings. TextEssence includes visual, neighbor-based, and similarity-based modes of embedding analysis in a lightweight, web-based interface. We further propose a new measure of embedding confidence based on nearest neighborhood overlap, to assist in identifying high-quality embeddings for corpus analysis. A case study on COVID-19 scientific literature illustrates the utility of the system. TextEssence can be found at
In this article, we used the generalized Hamilton-Jacoby equation to study the relative motion of the electron in the arbitrary electromagnetic field, depending on the action function(the principle of the least action), taking into account the rel ationship between the Hamilton and Lagrange functions(H  P  v  L ), starting with the equations of energy and motion for electron in the theory of special relativity, where the Lagrangian were chosen so that the principle of variation is equal to zero, thus the Lagrange equation was verified. The first and second sets of Hamilton's equations were obtained and then Hamilton's conservation law, ie electron energy. Study of some applications of the Hamilton-Jacoby equation on the free motion of the particle, circular motion and the adiabatic transformations was discussed. Kepler problem of the hydrogen atom was then discussed in relativistic theory. The equation of the motion path of the electron was calculated and the energy of the vibration and the frequency of the vibration were calculated.
Saadalla Wannous had no embarrassment in expressing the individual tendencies and inclinations which he used to consider bourgeoisie matters. He started to feel with a kind of freedom , which he always believed in, which was the substantial conditi on for the realization of the Stage efficiency, and which he missed in his previous creativities. Previously, he used to impose on himself self-censorship which obliged him to overpass what is personal and individual. That is why we see him in his Play (Tokous Alisharat Wa Altahawolat) (Rites of Signs and Conversions) moves from the general condition to the individual structure within the context of the community. He strictly refers in this Play to the concept of the individual freedom through the psychological structure and subduing the will potential in the human self. Thus, he made his characters express their inner selves far from the social preaching, that lead towards their fate.
The main goal of maintaining and repairing equipment and machines during the investment stages is to reduce the amount of money spent in order to maintain the validity of their operation and the quality of their reliability under the different give n investing conditions (type of manufacturing materials, methods used, temperatures, nature of investment, …. etc). This goal can be achieved if we are able to control changes in the technical conditions of equipment and the frictional parts during the investment stages, besides knowing the physical laws/rules that govern the technical changes properly. Therefore, we carried out a study on the theoretical plans of physical wear of brakes and the frictional parts in means of transportation. This is done starting from wet (oily) wear plans of the frictional parts in machines. Then, based on these plans we studied physical laws/rules determining the intensity of dry wear of brakes, along with its speed and acceleration during the investment and the unreliable, uneconomical (unsafe) operation stages, taking into consideration the methods used in periodical technical maintenance, ways of driving, and the average number of times brakes are used…etc . Based on these formulas obtained, we can estimate/predict the start of ineffectiveness of brakes and friction linings, in addition to the inception time of risky (unreliable) operation stage. Consequently, this stage gives us indications for replacement or treating with the traditional (known) mechanical and chemical ways, in light of the soaring prices of materials in the Syrian Arab Republic.
تعد قضايا السكان من الموضوعات المهمة التي يعنى بها الباحثون. و خاصة في الدول النامية، و منها سورية. هدفت الدراسة إلى تتبع التحولات التي طرأت على التوزع، من خلال تعرف العوامل المؤثرة فيه، التي تمثلت بكل من العوامل الطبيعية من مناخ و مياه و تربة. و من عوامل بشرية و في مقدمتها العوامل الديموغرافية، و العوامل التاريخية و الاقتصادية التي أدت دورًا مهمًا في إحداث خللٍِ في التوزع الجغرافي للسكان في سورية ، سواء بين المحافظات، و المناطق، أو القطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة. و تشير حركة السكان في سورية إلى اتساع نطاق الهجرة من الريف إلى المدينة بما يتجاوز القدرة الاستيعابية لتلك المدن المهاجر منها، مما أدى إلى عدم انتظام في التوزع الجغرافي للسكان. و سوء في استغلال الأراضي الزراعية و زيادة المساحات القابلة للتصحر، و نقص المصادر المائية و زيادة التلوث البيئي. و قد أعطتنا دراسة الكثافة السكانية بدورها صورة واضحة عن واقع التوزع الجغرافي للسكان و تحولاته خلال مدة الدراسة.أما الأهمية التطبيقية للبحث فقد أعطت تصورًا حقيقيًا لحالة ذلك التوزع. و أظهرت حالة من عدم التلاؤم بين الجوانب السكانية، من جهة، و الجوانب الاقتصادية، و اتجاهات حركتها من جهة أخرى التي أفرزت بدورها حالة من الخلل و عدم التوازن في عملية التوزع الجغرافي للسكان.
This piece of research endeavours to highlight the inevitability of the micro-textonymic transformations throughout the process of translation. The claim that translation necessitates transformation has been ascertained through rendering a few non/ conventional micro-textonymic English collocational patterns into Arabic. However, though some translation theorists comprehend transformations as a remark of inescapable weakness, others maintain its prominence in successfully communicating the TL recipients, to the extent that there is no transation without transformation. Translator's skilfulness and expertise would closely monitor and manage such micro-textonymic transformations, being the decoder of the ST and re-encoder of the TT. Faithfulness in translation has been defined not in relation to extremely possible literalism and adherence to the ST, rather, it stands as a remark of how far do such micro-textonymic transformations help translators communicate the rhetoric of the ST, and guarantee acceptance and readability in the TL language and culture.
This paper aims to study the intellectual Changes in the poetry of Hassan Ben Thabit It also tries to reveal all the different aspects and circumstances that contributed in forming the text from which his ideas were taken- In addition, the paper s tudies the poet's influence by the Holy Quran and how that shaped his poetry, which shows some cultural, social, politic, and religious intellect as well as a new vision to the issue of poetry inspiration and calling for a change in the structure of the pro- Islamic poem.

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