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شThe current study aimed to find the effect of implementing the Science Education Development Program (SEED) on the fourth grade students’ Learning of the Classification Unit. The study followed the quasi-experimental design and used quantitative and qualitative instruments to analyse the research data.The quantitative instrument was an achievement test, made of (27) items which measure the impact of the program on the fourth graders’ achievement
The research aimed to identify the degree of employing constructivist teaching methods by classroom teachers in the first cycle of basic education, and to know the differences among the research sample individuals in the degree of employing these methods according to the variables of (educational qualification, and years of experience). The sample of the research consisted of (288) teachers in the first cycle of basic education in Damascus state schools. The sample was selected using the simple random way, and the questionnaire of employing constructivist teaching methods (prepared by the researcher) was applied to them after it was verified for its validity and reliability.
The study was carried out to show the effect of the clay characteristics: specific surface area (Ss), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the assemblage of clay particles on the soil water content. The effect of hydric stress history (wetting and drying cycles) on the water content of soil was also investigated. Soil samples comprising topsoil horizons and subsoil horizons, with a clay content > 30% were collected in several regions of France and Syria (2009 - 2012) in cooperation with the National Center for Scientific Research and the University of Orléans in France to study the effect of physical characteristics on the fertility status of the soil. The water retention properties were studied from (0.01) bar to (15) bar water potential using small clods collected in winter when swelling is at a maximum and water content close to field capacity. The clay content, the bulk density of horizon and clods, the cation exchange capacity and the specific surface area were measured. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used for identification of the main mineralogical phase, and to study the relationship between the clay mineralogy and the water retention. Results showed that the variation of the soil water content was explained by the differences of clay content and the clay fabric (assemblage of clay particles). The results also showed that wetting and drying cycles were the most important and critical factor for soil water retention properties relative to the other evaluated factors.
The last few decades have witnessed a substantial development in the study of International Relations. Many new theories and approaches have become part of the current debate within international relations. One of these new approaches is Construct ivism which many scholars believe constitutes a bridge between the positivist theories and the post-positivist theories. This study seeks to examine the basic assumptions of Constructivism and its contribution to the study of international relations
تتعرض هذه الدراسة إلى ظاهرة النظام الاجتماعي و أهميتها، و طبيعة هذا النظام و إدراك خصائصه، و عوامل ثبوته أو تبديله و تغيره من خلال فهم النظريات الاجتماعية المعاصرة و خاصة البنائية الوظيفية باعتبارها من أهم المدارس التي أولت ظاهرة النظام أهمية خاصة ، ثم نتعرف في النهاية ما قدمه النقد السوسيولوجي المعاصر لمشكلة النظام باتجاهاته المختلفة.

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