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This research aimed to study the relationship between job rotation and organizational performance in administrative offices at Tishreen University, where job rotation is dealt with as one dimension. Whereas, organizational performance was measured th rough the two dimensions of efficiency and effectiveness. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The questionnaire was distributed to /363/ individual workers in the working administrative offices at Tishreen University, and the stability of the scale was confirmed by the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. In order to test the hypotheses, appropriate statistical methods were used where both researchers used descriptive statistics, a difference test for one sample ‘one sample t test’, and the Pearson test to test the linear correlation between the study variables. Through testing the hypotheses, a number of results were reached, including: The low level of job rotation and the low level of both efficiency and organizational effectiveness in the working administrative offices at Tishreen University. There is a moderate strength positive relationship between job rotation and organizational effectiveness. There is a strong positive relationship between job rotation and organizational efficiency.
This study examines the concept of transformational leadership and its members and Organizational performance definition And measured it Through the comparative performance and internal performance, The study aimed to investigate the impact of tra nsformational leadership among managers working in the company centers syriatel In Damascus, a sample of the company's service centers in Syria on organizational performance of the company. The study found that there are elements of the transformational leadership of influential and inspirational stimulation and individual consideration and empowerment on organizational performance and the performance of the comparative performance of internal company syriatel, As well as the study found that there were no significant differences between the study sample for the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance.
The Study aims to explore the impact of Human resource training benefits in raising the level of the organizational performance of organizations (profit level). We used the statistical program (spssv20) for hypothesis testing and analysis of the results of a sample study, which consist of 257 workers in organization, we used a questionnaire as a tool for data collection, in addition to many pervious related to topic of study. The study has reached the existing of correlation relationship between human resource training benefits and raising profit level in pubic organization, and training benefits have affected with demographic variables. And allowing make recommendations that researcher believes this contribute to raising the level of organizational performance of public sector organizations.
تهدف الدراسة إلى ايضاح أثر الإدارة و عناصر الادارة الناجحة للمعرفة و علاقتها بتميز الأداء في شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الاتصالات العاملة في سوريا, حيث تعتبر إدارة المعرفة في الشركات العالمية مفتاح النجاح ضمن إقتصاد قائم على المعرفة فهي الوسيلة الو حيدة التي تؤمن بقاء و استقرار و نمو هذه الشركات, بالعودة للدراسات السابقة نجد هناك دراسات تمت لتحديد عوامل نجاح ادارة المعرفة و اصطلح على تسميتها بعوامل النجاح الحرجة لإدارة المعرفة, لذلك قمنا بهذه الدراسة الميدانية لمعرفة الى اي مدى يتم تطبيق هذه العوامل ضمن الشركات السورية و ما تاثير هذه العوامل على الأداء التنظيمي.

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