تعد الحصيات الكلوية مشكلة صحية شائعة إذ أن حوالي 5% من النساء و15% من الرجال على الأقل يعانون منها خلال مراحل حياتهم , تستعمل أدوية عشبية ومستحضرات دوائية كثيرة في بلدنا لعلاج هذه الحصيات
No English abstract
References used
د. هنادي شمعون , د. أيمن العشوش , " أساليب كمية (1)" , منشورات جامعة تشرين , كلية الاقتصاد
The possibility of using some agents used in traditional medicin .
Neoziland rabbits was used as experimental animals ; Fossil encrinites was used as a
treatment drug ; the disease was induced by injecting 120 mg of sodium glyoxylate intraperitonea
Ninety urin samples were taken from patients suffering from
urinary tract infection .the purpose was to isolate and identify Ecoli.
After cultural and biochemical diagnosis,[47] isolates had been
obtained with [63.5%] for E-coli out of [74] samples that had
bacterial growth.
Asthma exacerbations can be frequent and range in severity from relatively mild to
status asthmaticus. While the efficacy of intravenous MgSO4 hasbeen demonstrated, the
informations available on its inhaled role still low and conflicting, so the st
Bacterial pathogens associated with urinary tract infection were
studied. The study examined 120 urine samples taken from the middle
of the urinary flow of patients with symptoms of urinary tract infection.
Purpose: We evaluated the safety of ESWL (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy).
Materials and Methods: A total of 300 patients with stones located in the kidney or
the upper ureter were randomly divided into 3 groups, group A—100 who received ESWL