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Estimating the wood Volume of Brutia Pine Stands (Pinus brutia Ten.) In Al- kadmous region- Tartous using satellite Images

تقدير المخزون الخشبي للصنوبر البروتي Pinus brutia Ten. في منطقة القدموس - محافظة طرطوس باستخدام الصور الفضائية

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The importance of this modern technology (remote sensing) follows from the fact that it allows estimating the wood stock by knowing the value of the NDVI index, which reduces the high cost and great effort needed by traditional forestry measurements.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تقدير المخزون الخشبي للصنوبر البروتي (Pinus brutia Ten.) في منطقة القدموس بمحافظة طرطوس باستخدام الصور الفضائية. تهدف الدراسة إلى اختبار إمكانية استخدام مؤشر الاختلاف النباتي القياسي (NDVI) المحسوب من صور الأقمار الصناعية لتقدير المخزون الخشبي. تم استخدام صورة Landsat TM بدقة 30 مترًا، وأخذت في 4 يوليو 2013، وتم جمع بيانات الجرد الحراجي من 20 عينة حقلية. تم تقسيم العينات إلى مجموعتين، استخدمت الأولى (13 عينة) لتطوير نموذج رياضي يربط بين المخزون الخشبي ومؤشر NDVI، بينما استخدمت الثانية (7 عينات) لاختبار دقة النموذج. أظهرت النتائج أن النموذج الخطي بين المخزون الخشبي ومؤشر NDVI كان الأفضل، حيث بلغت قيمة R2 حوالي 0.89، وقيمة المتوسط النسبي لخطأ النموذج 1.81%، مما يعبر عن دقة جيدة للنموذج الناتج.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة هامة في استخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد لتقدير المخزون الخشبي، مما يقلل من التكاليف والجهود المرتبطة بالقياسات الحقلية التقليدية. ومع ذلك، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال زيادة عدد العينات الحقلية وتوسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل مناطق أخرى. كما أن الاعتماد على صورة واحدة قد لا يكون كافيًا لتقدير دقيق للمخزون الخشبي، لذا يفضل استخدام صور متعددة مأخوذة في أوقات مختلفة من السنة لتحسين دقة النتائج. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن اختبار نماذج رياضية أخرى لتحسين دقة التقديرات.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو اختبار إمكانية تقدير المخزون الخشبي للصنوبر البروتي باستخدام مؤشر الاختلاف النباتي القياسي (NDVI) المحسوب من الصور الفضائية.

  2. ما هي الصورة الفضائية المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة؟

    تم استخدام صورة Landsat TM بدقة 30 مترًا، وأخذت في 4 يوليو 2013.

  3. ما هو النموذج الرياضي الذي أظهر أفضل النتائج في تقدير المخزون الخشبي؟

    النموذج الخطي بين المخزون الخشبي ومؤشر NDVI أظهر أفضل النتائج، حيث بلغت قيمة R2 حوالي 0.89.

  4. ما هي التوصيات لتحسين دقة التقديرات في الدراسات المستقبلية؟

    يوصى بزيادة عدد العينات الحقلية، استخدام صور فضائية متعددة مأخوذة في أوقات مختلفة من السنة، واختبار نماذج رياضية أخرى لتحسين دقة التقديرات.

References used
الحسن , محمد عصمت . ( 2007) . معالجة الصور الرقمية في الاستشعار عن بعد . جامعة الملك سعود . 140 صفحة
rate research

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This research aimed to study the natural regeneration of Pinus brutia in Qurdaha region, and to determine the most important factors affecting the regeneration. 42 circular samples were taken, the area of each sample was 400m2. The following measur ements were taken: geographic coordinates of each sample's centre, altitude, aspect, the slope, forest litter thickness, the proportion of gravels, stones and rocks, tree, bushes and herb cover. Forest inventories were achieved using Braun-Blanquet method. Which, the number of sample seedlings, the seedling height, seedling diameter, the seedling age, burning trees and alive trees of Pinus brutia were registered. The results showed a significant negative effect of slope and a significant positive effect of herb cover, where the percentage of data classification by the model was reached 74.4%, while the Nagelkerke R2value was 37%. The negative effect of the slope comes from increasing the risks of soil erosion and the loss in their nutritional elements. In contrast, the positive effect of herbal coverage is the contribution to reducing the risks of summer drought that can be affect the seedlings.
This research aimed to investigate the competitive situation and the growth reduction as a result of competition for brutia pine trees grown in Kafardabeel stand – Jableh. In the year 2015, 15 circle plots (with area size of 400 m²) in the study a rea planted in 1974 were sampled; all variations in the site like tree density, aspect, slop, topography and site fertility were covered. In the sample plot diameter at breast height of all trees and also coordinates of central tree and coordinates of all compotators as well as were measured. In order to study the competitive situation, two different types of competition indices: position dependent (Heygi1, Heygi2, BAL) and position independent (CCF) indices were used.
Estimation of tree and stand volume is a key calculation for productive forest management (de Miguel et al., 2012). A precise estimation of tree volume needs to take the variation in bole forms into account while calculation, this can be done by es timating tree form factor. This study aims to construct a mathematical model to calculate the form factor of brutia pine trees grown in the regions of Rabiaa in northern Latakia. The form factor model can help foresters to precisely estimate the volume of tree and forest stands. During the period 2008-2011, 72 pine trees of various ages and sizes, located in natural stands of different densities and site qualities, were felled. Diameters at different heights of the felled trees were measured; trees volumes and volumes of equivalent cylinders were calculated, and consequently the values of tree form factor were computed. The dataset was randomly split into two parts, 75% (55 trees) of the data for constructing form factor model and 25% (17 trees) for model validation. A form factor model was obtained using the non-linear regression equations in the statistical program SPSS. Value of the coefficient of determination adjusted (R²adj) was about 0.81. The model has been validated using several statistical methods, the relative bias ( e%) was ca. 17.9%, while the value of model accuracy ) % x m ) was 22.9 %. In order to obtain lower value of model relative bias and higher value of accuracy it’s recommended to use a larger database comprising all distribution areas of pine in Syria.
This study was conducted in many natural sites in Al-Bayer and Al-Bassitregions inLattakiawhere there isthe main natural distribution of Brutia pine in Syria. The aim of the study is to analyse the relationship between the maincharacteristics of fo rest stands (forest mensuration) associated with silviculturetreatments, and plant diversity in the herbaceous layer of the forest. 32 circular plotsof 400 m2were sampled. Forest characteristics, plant species number and abundance(using Braun-Planquetindices)were recordedin each plot. Many diversity indices (SpeciesRichness, Shannon, Jaccard) were calculated. Species richness in the herbaceous layer correlated positively with age and negatively with volume, basal area, and forest cover in the over story. The effect of forest characteristics was more important on the vegetation composition than on the species richnessor Shannon index averages in the samples. Age was the most important characteristic influencing the vegetation composition, hence, the similarity between different age stages (expressed in Jaccard index). It is suggested in this study that when studying forest silviculture and management plans and when conserving biodiversity, life formsand functions must be considered instead ofthe traditional index.
Pinus brutia cover 67.87% of AlFronloq protected area, this forest provide habitat for wildlife especially forest birds. The aim of this study is to define bird species that use Pinus brutia forest and their relation to vegetation characteristics.W e listed 63 bird species, 9 of them recorded for first time, 31.8% of species are resident in study area, where raptors presented 15.9%. The study showed positive correlation between species richness and plant richness (R=0.588, P= 0.007). Shrubs layer coverage and richness affected positively bird species richness and density. The study showed also decreasing of bird species richness with Altitude, while raptors richness were increased with Altitude.The dominat species were Coal tit Parus ater, wren Troglodytes troglodytes ,whereas species like Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita were the most abundant.

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