يعد ببتيد النيسين أحد المواد الحافظة الطبيعية للأغذية غير سام ويتم إنتاجه طبيعياً بواسطة جرائيم حمض اللبن أثناء حدوث التخمر الغذائي . يملك فعالية عالية ضد الجراثيم إيجابيات الغرام والبذيرات في حين أن فعاليته أقل تجاه سلبيات الغرام والفطور ويستخدم حالياً في العديد من دول العالم كمادة حافظة لمنتجات الأجبان والمعلبات وغيرها
Nisin peptide is one of the natural food preservative, is not toxic and produced by Lactococcus lactic during food fermentation. It has a high potency against gram-positive bacteria and spores, while its efficiency of Nisin against gram-negative bacteria and fungi is low , currently Nisin is used as food preservative in many countries around the world for cheese products and others.
References used
Pandery R M and Upadhyay S k; Food Additive, i " Food Additive " . Ed El-Samragy Y, Pup. In Tech 2012
Benzoic acid is extensively used in the preservation of food products for maintaining
quality and extending shelf life by inhibiting mould and bacteria growth.
Some previous studies have demonstrated that consumption of excessive amounts of
The hydrodynamic activation of NaOCL plays an important role in increasing
its disinfectant efficacy.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite Activated by
EndoActivator device in reducing the bacterial load in the infected root canal.
This study evaluated the in vitro
antileishmanial activity of some Phenolic compounds including:
Ferulic acid, Mehtyl Ferulate, Ethyl Ferulate, and Sinapic acid
against leishmanial tropica promastigotes. The parasite viability
was determined using XTT proliferation Kit.
When the caries become near the pulp in primary molars, the treatment will
be the pulpotomy to remove the involved coronal portion of the pulp, preserving the vitality and function
of the remaining radicular portion. Formocresol, Glutar-aldehyde, F
Interdental Papilla deficiency may occur due to many factors such as
traumatic oral hygiene procedure, plaque associated lesions and
diverging roots following orthodontic treatment. Many of invasive and
non-invasive techniques have been suggested