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Permanent And Primary Teeth In The Department Of Pediatric Dentistry In Damascus University

مسح صحي لرضوض الأسنان الدائمة و المؤقتة في قسم طب أسنان الأطفال في جامعة دمشق

865   0   5   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2000
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research is a clinical survey of trauma cases that have presented to Damascus University, Pediatric dental clinic, postgraduate studies. The research studies have following objectives: A survey was preformed of the trauma cases that presented to our clinic, tables of the different classifications of fractures were prepared, total number of cases presented, distribution according to several factors, treatments offered to the patients and their success rates.

References used
Adams, F.R. Traumatized and Fractured young teeth J.A.D.A 31:241,248,1944
Andreasen, F.M.,Andreasen, J.O. Examination of the traumatized patient. Essentials of traumatic injuries to the teeth chapter 1, munkegaard 1990
Andreasen, J.O, Andreasen, F.M. Text Book and color Atlas of traumatic injuries
rate research

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This study aims to assess the feelings of children toward dental treatment in the department of pediatric dentistry in order to point the reason of dental fear. The sample includes 385 children (191 males, 194 females, aged 4-12 years) come to facu lty of dentistry between 1/10/2015 – 1/6/2016. The questionnaire form was adapted. Data were analyzed using statistical program SPSS. SMA was: fear = 2.96 , anxiety = 2.82 , trouble = 2.74 , like (desire, preference) = 3.56 , feelingsafter treatment = 3.37 , discomfort of the transaction = 1.82 , desire to repeat the visit = 3.97. The result showed most of the children were not afraid, not worried, not upset, and they like to repeat. While 9.9% trouble and 6.5% don't like to repeat it. We concluded that the dental services in p.d department are effective and acceptable.
To record the prevalence and distribution of congenitally missing permanent teeth and their relation to gender in a sample of patients in an orthodontic clinic in Damascus.
The study aims to analyze the rehabilitation program for indexers in library department, the study will shed light on the role of the information and libraries in the indexing syllabi studied and his/her indexing skills and to what extent he/she ke eps pace with modern developments, the study relied in achieving its goals on the descriptive analytical filed approach to analyze the indexing syllabi studied in the department, the study revolves around indexing department at the university Damascus, and monitoring those professional development programs for indexers, the study is based on the following tools: questionnaires and content analysis, the study has reached result, the most important recommendation were calling upon the libraries and information department at the universities of Damascus to quickly initiation to re-examine at their study programs, especially in courses that address issues of technical processing of information sources due to those frequent change taking place in this area, and initiation to development their websites of the internet, that provoked for school subjects to development their performance and help student to understand their subjects.
This retrospective study is to correlate oral squamous cell carcinoma with age, gender and location of lesion, and to investigate the correlation between the grade of the malignancy and lymph nodes in patients of the faculty of dentistry, Damascus university.
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