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تقييم بعض أصناف البطيخ الأصفر (Cucumis melo .L ) غير المزروعة محلياً بهدف إدخالها إلى القطر العربي السوري

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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جلول أحمد إنتاج الخضار كلية الزراعة - جامعة تشرين سورية اللاذقية
rate research

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The research was performed in AL-Gab region, Hama Province during the agricultural season 2012-2013. The investigation was carried out to assess five varieties of muskmelon from central Asia "Gezel Zametsha, Ak Gorbek, Pakeraman, Kara Kaon, Ak Kash ", plus control (Ananas Hollar) The results showed that two varieties "Ak Kash and Kara Kaon " had better leaf area, while the variety of "Ak Gorbek" had more number of feminine blossoms on the plant and higher percentage of node blooms. "Kara Kaon" Which gave high productivity 6850 Kg/Dunm in comparison with the control 4724 Kg/Dunm to "Ananas Hollar". A strong Correlation link had been found out between the area of leaf surface and productivity. The number of feminine blossoms and the percentage of the node productive blooms. But a strong negative link was found between the number of picked fruit and average weight of the fruit.
This study was conducted at Abo Jarash farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University In order to determine the response of three local varieties of potato (Sponta, Draja, Diamont) to salinity stress with different concentration of NaCl solutio n (0,50, 100, 150, 200 mM). The results indicated that the existence of a inverse correlation between increased concentrations of salts in the solution and the rate of plant height, leaf area, and the percentage of leaf dry weight, and the proportion K+/ Na+., and the productivity was declined with a proportional rate 22< 32, and 48% for the varieties of Sponta, Draja, Diamont, respectively. Results indicated the existence of reverse relationship between increasing salt concentration in the medium and plant height, Leaf area, dry weight of the leaves and K+/Na+ ration in addition to the decline in the productivity of studied varieties. The results also showed variations in the extent of tolerance between studied varieties to salinity stress where Sponta was the most tolerant, followed by Draja and Diamont was the less tolerant and this was reflected in terms of higher germination and increasing the mean of plant height, Leaf area and dry weight of plant.
Using modern irrigation started as individual initiatives, then the government supported the introduction of these techniques through the national programme for transferring to modern irrigation that started late 2000. This programme set up to conv ert all irrigated area, where possible, from traditional methods to modern irrigation systems during 10 years period. The government has issued several decisions for facilitating transfer process and ironing out the financial and administrative constraints facing the implementation of this programme.
إن معدلات النمو السكاني في سورية من المعدلات المرتفعة في العالم، إذ وصلت إلى ٣٣بألف في الفترة ١٩٦٠-١٩٧٠ ، و إلى ٣,٣٣ بالألف في الفترة ١٩٧٠-١٩٨١ ، و بقيت محافظة على مستواها السابق في الفترة ١٩٨١-١٩٩٧ ، و تختلف معدلات النمو السكاني بين محافظة و أخرى داخل القطر، كذلك تختلف هذه المعدلات بين الريف و الحضر. و تعد معدلات المواليد في سـورية مـن أعلـى المعدلات في العالم حيث تقدر الآن بـ ٣٩ بالألف سنوياً، أما معدلات الوفيات فتعد من المعـدلات المنخفضة قياساً إلى البلدان النامية و حنى قياساً إلى العالمـ إذ بلغت ٦,٦بالألف في عام ١٩٩١ كما بلغت معدلات وفيات الرضع ٣٣بالألف. هذا و إن أحد الأسباب التي أدت إلى ارتفاع معدلات النمو السكاني في الفترة الماضية هو انخفـاض معدلات الوفيات مع بقاء المواليد عالية نتيجة للتقدم الحاصل على الأصعدة كافة التعليمية و الخدمية و الصحية و الغذائية، و كذلك القضاء بصورة نهائية على الأوبئة مما انعكس إيجابياً علـى تحسـين صحة المواطنين و ارتفاع العمر المتوقع عند الولادة. و يمكن القول: إن أثر التنمية الاقتصادية كـان واضحاً في معدلات النمو السكاني في القطر العربي السوري، و من ثَم انعكسـت هـذه المعـدلات المرتفعة للنمو السكاني على بعض المتغيرات الاجتماعية من خلال زيادة نفقات الدولة على التعليم و الصحة و الخدمات التي تزداد مع ازدياد السكان.
Divorce is a phenomena that has a certain privacy about it, although its impact goes beyond the individual to include the community as a whole. The parties to the relationship affected by divorce are inflicted by long-term moral and material damag e, due to the consequent negative impact of the disintegration of the family, the adverse and negative effects on the children, and the social and non-social effects like disorders ranging from personal to deviant behavior and crime. Divorce is an ominous accident ominous for the couple as it indicates the extent of the disintegration of the family; it is a kind of escape from the tensions and obligations of marriage. The study of divorce is important to identify the extent of the relation of disintegrated families to social problems afflicting households and families. The family is part of the community and when households are strong the society will become strong, and vice versa. The study identifies the reasons of divorce and the dire consequences on the family, the children and the relationship of husband and wife. The study discusses the strong relationship between the culture of the society and its values and beliefs and the increasing divorce rates

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