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تاثير الباكلوبترازول في إنبات غراس القرنفل المجوز ونموها تحت ظروف الإجهاد الجفافي

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 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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بله عدنان 2000 دلائل المقاومة الكامنة للجفاف عند النبات : ندوة الجفاف والتنمية الزراعية المستدامة حلب 23-25 ايار
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The study was conducted in order to know the ability of Korschinskii Almonds and Orientalis Almonds to resistance of the drought stress using several levels of water irrigation (100, 75, 50 and 25%) from the field capacity, with several indicators (number of leaves, the thickness of the leaves, root growth). The results obtained showed not affected by the stock in the Korschinskii Almonds drought stress (255, 242, 220, 198 leaves), while the number of leaves that accompany the burning edges under the influence of drought stress in Orientalis Almonds (250, 130, 60, 12 leaves) at levels of irrigation water (100, 75, 50, 25%) of field capacity respectively.
دراسة بعض الصفات الفيزيولوجية والإنتاجية لطرز من الدخن تحت ظروف الإجهاد المائي: نفذ البحث في مركز بحوث كلية الزراعة بالحسكة - جامعة الفرات وفق تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة
This research was conducted during 2014 season at Miaar Shaker plains in Tartous region, to study the effect of applied drought stress for 24 days in 4 growth stages of peanut crop, i.e., 1. Brunching stage, 2. Flower initialing stage, 3. Pod form ation stage, 4. Seed formation stage, beside of control (full irrigation by 12 days intervals). And effect of these treatments on some growth attributes and yield to peanut genotype (Sahel).
The experiment was carried out during spring season 2016 to study the effect of foliar spraying treatment with Tecamin Flower 2.5 ml/L in comparison with distilled water, on growth of three hybrids of tomatoes at two different levels of irrigation (100 and 50 % of field capacity). Three sprays were conducted started from flowering with two weeks’ interval. The results showed that ‘Finenss’ hybrid had significant differences in plant height, branches per plant and leaves number per plant. ‘Hadeer’ hybrid had superiority in dry matter ratio and content of chlorophyll in leaves. Reducing the level of irrigation resulted in a significant decrease in plant height, total branches number, versus an increase in the leaves number per plant, total leaves area and the percentage of dry matter. The results showed that the treatment with Tecamin flower led to a significant increase in all indicators studied. The interaction treatments shoed that Hadeer hybrid irrigated in level 50 % and spraying of nutrient solution (Tecamin flower) had a significant increase in dry matter ratio and chlorophyll content in leaves. While the hybrid Finenss which irrigated in level 100 % with nutrient solution (Tecamin flower) had a significant increase in leaves number per plant and total leaves area.

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