أجريت الدراسة بهدف تقدير قدرة أصلي اللوز كورشينسكي و الشرقي على تحمل الإجهاد الجفافي باستخدام عدة مستويات من ماء الري ( 100, 75, 50, 25 % ) منالسعة الحقلية, مع عدة مؤشرات ( عدد الأوراق, سمك الأوراق, نمو الجذور ).
أظهرت النتائج المتحصل عليها عدم حدوث تأثير كبير على أوراق اللوز كورشينسكي عند تعرضه للإجهاد الجفافي حيث بلغ عدد الأوراق فيه ( 255, 242, 220, 198 ورقة ), في حين انخفض عدد الأوراق الذي ترافق باحتراق حوافها تحت تأثير الأجهاد الجفافي في اللوز الشرقي حيث بلغ ( 250, 130, 60, 12 ورقة ) عند مستويات ماء الري ( 100, 75, 50, 25 % ) من السعة الحقلية على التوالي.
The study was conducted in order to know the ability of
Korschinskii Almonds and Orientalis Almonds to resistance of the
drought stress using several levels of water irrigation (100, 75, 50
and 25%) from the field capacity, with several indicators (number
of leaves, the thickness of the leaves, root growth). The results
obtained showed not affected by the stock in the Korschinskii
Almonds drought stress (255, 242, 220, 198 leaves), while the
number of leaves that accompany the burning edges under the
influence of drought stress in Orientalis Almonds (250, 130, 60, 12 leaves) at levels of irrigation water (100, 75, 50, 25%) of field
capacity respectively.
References used
ADJAB, M, 2002-Recherche des traits morphologiques, physiologiqueset biochimiques d’adaptation au déficit hydrique chez différentsgénotypes de blé dur (Triticum durum).Thèse de magistère. Faculté des sciences, Univer.Annaba : 84p
Ait kaki Y, 1993-Contribution à l’étude des mécanismes morphophysiologiqueset biochimiques de tolérance au stress hydrique sur cinqvariétés de blé dur. Thèse de magistère. Univer.Annaba:114p
AJAYI, N. O, 1990- Rapid determination of leaf area in ovate vegetable leaves by liner measurements. Journal of horticultural science, 65(1) -1-5. Nigeria
This research was conducted during 2014 season at Miaar Shaker
plains in Tartous region, to study the effect of applied drought stress for
24 days in 4 growth stages of peanut crop, i.e., 1. Brunching stage, 2.
Flower initialing stage, 3. Pod form
The study has been conducted in region of Sweeda on the nursery
of Era during the two seasons of 2008 and 2009 aiming at the
morphological and physiological assessment of the seedlings of
Amygdalus orientalis under different degrees of water stres
This experiment was conducted at Kharabo farm, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Damascus. A total of 252 chicks of Japanese quail breeder females
were distributed on the first day of life into two groups, Gicks in G1 were
reared from 1-28 day
The research aims to study the differences of some aspects of physiological
activities in three ornamental plants, Conocarpus erectus L., Hibiscus rosasinensis
L, and Vinca rosea L. grown in Makkah. These plants are founded in
similar environmenta
This research on pepper crop conducted to impact water stress using
three transactions water are: full irrigation (100% from water
requirement), 0.75% of full irrigation, and 60% of full irrigation,
has been designed experiment in a way random sectors full, use a
variety of municipal plant peppers, and used drip irrigation method.