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تقييم فعالية التصوير بالأمواج فوق الصوتية في تشخيص أمراض الغدد اللعابية الكبيرة بالمقارنة مع التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Dentistry
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Wolf JS, Goldberg AN, Bigelow DC.Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid. Am Fam Physician 1997;56:185-92
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Fetus images produced by 2D ultrasound devices are ambiguous and lack precision. This led to the need for offering a 3D visualization of the fetus, which allows visualizing width, height, and angle, in order to get additional information about the fetus, and detect fetus abnormalities. We explain in this paper our method in producing 3D models of the fetus from 2D images using a computer system without the need for changing the 2D imaging devices, and without using position sensors. Our method is based on passing the probe over the pregnant woman's abdomen and make a manual scan for the entire body of the fetus from top of the head till the bottom of his feet, then it saves this scan as a video clip then send, it to the computer which segments the video into multiple images which are saved and later processed using digital processing principles of images. Then these processed images are reconstructed to produce the volume matrix and then display it in a 3D form using 3D model construction methods. We applied our software on various fetuses of different ages and got volume images which are considered good in comparison with the images offered by currently available systems and devices. The precision of the images we got, differs according to the change in fetus pose, amniotic liquid, and fetus size, The obstetrician or gynecologist can retrieve more precise details by changing the angle and displaying volume images of certain part of the fetus body.
MRI is a medical imaging method that does not use harmful or ionizing radiation so it is safe and can be used to measure the proportions of iron that accumulate in the organs of the human body, especially the heart and liver
112 patients with suspected breast lesions were investigated using Scintimammography with 99mTc-MIBI, mammography and magnetic resonance to compare the diagnostic accuracy of Scintimammography with that of mammography and magnetic resonance in the d etecting of primary breast cancer. Excisional biopsy was taken after 7-10 days of Scintimammography. 70 patients were diagnosed with breast cancer; 55 palpable and 15 non-palpable lesions, while 42, 30 palpable and 12 non-palpable were diagnosed as benign lesions. The sensitivity of the three methods were high and approximate (89% by Scintimammography, 90% by mammography and 94% by magnetic resonance), while Scintimammography showed higher specificity (86%) versus 21% for mammography and 50% for magnetic resonance. The high specificity in addition to high positive (91%) and negative (82%) predictive values of Scintimammography resulted in a highly accurate diagnostic (87%) method compared to mammography (64%) and magnetic resonance (78%) procedures. Through the complementary use of Scintimammography it is possible to increase the sensitivity for the detection of breast cancer. In patients in whom the status of a palpable breast mass remains unclear, Scintimammography may help to reduce the amount of unnecessary biopsies.
The present work, aims to inspect by ultrasonic method numbers of imported steel billets, which cause stopping and breaking in the production – lines. The inspection was done by using ultrasonic detector,(echo – pulse method), a straight – beam pr obe was used as a transducer and receiver, at the same time. The results of inspection showed the possibility of accurate defect determination in steel billets, and also showed a good agreement between the experimental results and the number of stopping and breaking in production in factory, and also the necessity to use that inspection method in the imported billets which cause the continuous breaking in the production – lines.
Perfect localization of hyperactive parathyroid glands is useful to minimize operation time, incision and reduce patient morbidity. 52 patients with hyperparathyroidism were investigated, 14 with primary and 38 with secondary hyperparathyroidism foll owing renal failure. Surgery has been done on 36 patients (14 with primary and 22 with secondary hyperparathyroidism). Sensitivity of 99mTc-tetrofosmin scintigraphy was estimated after surgical removal of Hyperfunctioning glands and compared with that of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. The sensitivity of 99mTc-scintigraphy (79,5%) exceeded the sensitivity of ultrasound (68,2%) and magnetic resonance imaging (71,6%). Parathyroid hormone (P.T.H.) and calcium levels in serum were compared with positive 99mTc-tetrofosmin Scintigraphy. Results demonstrated correlation between positive 99mTc-tetrofosmin scintigraphy and parathyroid hormone levels with significant statistical difference of P < 0.001 and all patients with primary hyperparathyroidism with P.T.H. levels of 195 pg/ml or more were scintigraphically positives. All patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism with P.T.H. levels of 1200 or more were positives. No correlation was detected between calcium levels and positivity or negativity of scintigraphic results.

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