تبحث هذه الورقة دراسة عملية مخبرية لإمكانية الاستفادة من مورد هام من الموارد الطبيعية المتوفرة في القطر، و هو البازلت المتواجد بكميات كبيرة في المنطقة الجنوبية (السويداء)، لبيان مدى تحقيقه لمتطلبات المواصفات القياسية لاستعماله في تصنيع الخرسانة و ذلك من خلال اختبار مقاومة الضغط و الشد بالانفلاق و معامل المرونة للخرسانة المتصلبة بأعمار مختلفة (28-7-3) يوم.
و في النتيجة تبين أن اختبارات المقاومة على الضغط ازدادت بنسبة 20% تقريباً مع تقدم عمر الانضاج للخلطات الخرسانية.
كما أن المقاومة على الضغط للخلطات الخرسانية المحضرة باستعمال الحصويات البازلتية المدروسة كانت أعلى بنسبة 18 % تقريباً من مقاومة الضغط للخرسانة المصنعة باستعمال الحصويات الكلسية في الأعمار
فوق (7) يوم.
كما تبين انخفاض طفيف بنسبة 8% في مقاومة الشد بالانفلاق للعينات المحضرة بالحصويات البازلتية المدروسة على العينات المحضرة باستعمال حصويات كلسية و ازدياد هذه المقاومة مع الزمن.
أما معامل المرونة فقد لوحظ ازدياد معامل المرونة للبيتون بنسبة 20% مع تقدم عمر الإنضاج للخلطات الخرسانية مقارنة بالخلطة المرجعية.
This paper studies a practical laboratory research of the possibility of utilizing the
natural resources available in the country, namely Basalt, which is available in large
quantities in the southern region (Al-Suwayda) in order to demonstrate the extent to which
it meets the requirements of standard specifications for use in the manufacture of
(Reinforced) concrete by means of testing the resistance of pressure and tensile by
splitting and the elasticity coefficient of hardened (rigid concrete) at Different ages (3-7-
28) days.
As a result, pressure resistance tests increased by approximately 20 % with the
maturating period progress of concrete mixtures.
The pressure resistance of concrete mixtures prepared using basalt pebbles was
approximately 18% higher than the pressure resistance of concrete formed
usingcalcite(calcareous) pebbles in ages above 7 days
There was also a slight decrease of 8% in the split tensile resistance of the studied
samples prepared with basalt minerals , compared with the samples prepared using calcite
(calcareous) pebble and this resistance increases over time .
As for the elasticity coefficient , a 20% increase in the elasticity coefficient of the
concrete was noticed with the maturating of the concrete mixtures compared to the
referential mixture.
References used
HAMAD ALLAH MOHAMMAD AL-BAIJAT, "The Use of Basalt Aggregates in Concrete Mixes in Jordan”، Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 2, No. 1, 2008
EZELDIN, A. S. AND AITCIN, P.-C. "Effect of Coarse Aggregate on the Behavior Of Normal and High-Strength Concretes," Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates, CCAGDP, V. 13, No.2, 1991, 121-124
KAPLAN, M. F. "Flexural and Compressive Strength of Concrete as Affected by The Properties of Coarse Aggregate,'' ACI Journal, Proceedings V. 30, No. 11, 1959, 1193-1208
This paper studies a practical laboratory process of the possibility of benefiting from an
important resource of the natural resources available in the country, namely "Basalt"
which is found in large quantities in the southern region (As-Suwayda)
Using different alternative materials in concrete mix, and expanding the area of using these materials, is considered very important from scientific, economic, and environmental point of view. Especially the diversity in number of used aggregates. As
Concrete considers as the most popular building material because of the many advantages that it has. This come up with a huge amount of concrete waste. As a way to produce a concrete which is friend to environment, four percentages 0%, 50%, 75%,
Compacting hot mixes asphalt (HMA) at low temperatures or mixing it in the asphalt at high temperatures is a constant source of concern to researchers, as compacting and mixing at non-ideal temperatures leads to adverse results, which negatively affect the properties of asphalt concrete and lead to problems paving.
This study presents definition of the types of lightweight concrete and
some studies, which use the volcanic scoria aggregates to produce
structural lightweight concrete.
Several concrete mixes were designed, and different tests were
performed to