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Experimental Study on The Recycled Aggregate Concrete

دراسة تجريبية على الخرسانة المنتجة من ركام معاد تدويره

3252   9   141   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Concrete considers as the most popular building material because of the many advantages that it has. This come up with a huge amount of concrete waste. As a way to produce a concrete which is friend to environment, four percentages 0%, 50%, 75%, 100% of coarse recycled aggregate as replacement of natural coarse aggregate in concrete mix are used in this research. The work ability and wet and dry density are presented in this study. The compressive strength at age of 7, 28, 56 days are estimated, also splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity are founded at 28 day. The study shows that when The percentage of recycled aggregate exceeds 50% in concrete mix the mechanical properties reduce. When 100% of recycled aggregate is used the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and elastic modulus decrease by 14%, 22%, 25% respectively, so it is possible to use recycled aggregate concrete in production of non-structural elements.

References used
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rate research

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Featuring a self-compacting concrete (SCC) high capacity to fill the mold and passing ability through barriers under the influence of self-weight without vibration, thereby reducing the required labour and reduces the noise associated with vibratio n. Modern applications focused on improving the specifications of high performance, resistance and speed of construction. The research presents an experimental study for an (SCC) mix produced from local materials, including the necessary tests on the proposed concrete mix, which approved in the global codes. These experiments determine the basic characteristics of (SCC) in fresh case were also identified pressure resistance of (SCC) and determine the value of the modulus of elasticity (E) and the behavior curvatures. All mixes have been achieved global standards and conditions, and the required experiments were done in the laboratory of civil engineering faculty at Tishreen University.
The accelerated structural expansion in most countries has resulted in a major problem related to providing the necessary concrete for these buildings. Besides, the buildings that have become out of service recently has posed a real problem represent ed in demolishing them creating a large amount of hard-to-manage aggregate. The necessity to get rid of the aggregate have opened up the possibilities for attempting to use it as a relative substitute for the natural aggregate. The research focuses on recycling these aggregate in an attempt to use them in producing concrete and other construction materials. The research deals with one of the mechanisms of benefiting from these recycled aggregate through using them in producing concrete through treating the aggregate produced from demolition, and mixing them in quantities that reflect their actual ratio. The results are of great importance economically and environmentally.
This research presents an empirical relationship between modulus of elasticity with compressive strength concrete that is prepeard from localized materials and containing several perecentages of natural pozzolan (0 ,10 ,15, 20)% , also for tow cem ent quantity (350 ,400 ) Kg/m3 and for tow ages(28 ,90 ) day .Then comparing the experimentally obtained result with the mechanical properties calculated using the recommend relationship from the various design codes. A new empirical relationship between elastic modulus, and compressive strength for concrete containing natural pozzolan is proposed.
This paper studies a practical laboratory research of the possibility of utilizing the natural resources available in the country, namely Basalt, which is available in large quantities in the southern region (Al-Suwayda) in order to demonstrate the extent to which it meets the requirements of standard specifications for use in the manufacture of (Reinforced) concrete by means of testing the resistance of pressure and tensile by splitting and the elasticity coefficient of hardened (rigid concrete) at Different ages (3-7- 28) days. As a result, pressure resistance tests increased by approximately 20 % with the maturating period progress of concrete mixtures. The pressure resistance of concrete mixtures prepared using basalt pebbles was approximately 18% higher than the pressure resistance of concrete formed usingcalcite(calcareous) pebbles in ages above 7 days There was also a slight decrease of 8% in the split tensile resistance of the studied samples prepared with basalt minerals , compared with the samples prepared using calcite (calcareous) pebble and this resistance increases over time . As for the elasticity coefficient , a 20% increase in the elasticity coefficient of the concrete was noticed with the maturating of the concrete mixtures compared to the referential mixture.
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