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The coast of the Levant, Byzantine- Fatimid conflict during the fourth and fifth centuries AH/ tenth eleventh centuries (358-447هـ/ 969-1055م)

الصراع الفاطمي - البيزنطي على ساحل بلاد الشام في القرنين الرابع و الخامس الهجريين / العاشر و الحادي عشر الميلاديين (358-447هـ/ 969-1055م)

979   3   9   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Levant was always expressive of travelling to Egypt, through it over invaders and conquerors alike, so we find when all authorities and successive States in Egypt taken to extend their power and influence to the Levantine homes, whom the Fatimids, After Fatimids control Egypt, even started their campaigns to Levant to expand and ensure their security and stability, and that it did not cover over Levant interior but coastline featuring many important metropolises, Such as the cities of Sidon, Tripoli and Latakia and other vulnerable coastal centers, And that desire to expand into the Levant and it’s coast had her collision with the Byzantines and their wide influence at Levant and the Levantine coastline, Both of them had felt in the security stations its observers Levant coast guaranteed invasion again as if the internal influence any destabilization or scaling, Which they necessitated the military clash in a lot of times, As the influence of the parties on that coast was between highs and lows, and subject to many considerations including domestic situation and stability enjoyed by each other.

References used
DOWENY, G LANVILL, Gazian The early sixth Century, Oklahoma, press 1963, 703pags
FINLAY, GEORGE, History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires, London, 1854.486pags
TREADGOLD, WARREN, A History of the Byzantine State and society, Stanford, 1020pages
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Libraries are considered the most important achievements of the Arab Islamic civilizatation because of their important role in spreading science among Muslims, and their impact on Europe that sunk into darkness. With the establishment of the Fatimi d state in Egypt in 358/969, the Fatimids tried to compete with Baghdad in the cultural field by encouraging private and public libraries. Despite of the collapse of the Fatimid state, the books of its libraries remained preserved in the libraries of civilizations that followed, such as the Fadilia and Bimaraston Qaloun Schools .
The search treatsAportrait of the al-Gazera al-Foratuh and Bilad al-Sham in the fifth ALhagrah century/ The eleventh century AD, as Nasirkhusraw introduced it in his journey (book of travels) "Safar- nama". He explains his travelling line that tour between that Countries and he was revealing the position of life through his passing in those cities and Countries. He introduced important, various and documentary information in different sides. There was record for some historical news, he appeared the political situation there and for some civilized works for the being rulers in some areas. He showed much of the civilized sides, which gave light to the many numbers of the populated positions as the positions of the cities, their doors, towards, markets and their different, military, civilized, religion building and the carvings of that building and their mosaic. As they explain the sources of waters in each area whereas of rivers or of springs or the wells or of rain waters and the others. As the framings of trees and plants, occupations and hobbies, and the important commercial centers, coins and the libras, and some materials for trading in them. As they contain some social information, and some population in some cities and the religion in those areas, avisit to the holy places, some being habits and beliefs there and another thing.
During the fourth and fifth centuries AH/10-11 AD, Aleppo played a major role in the history of Arabs and Islam in general, and the history of the Bilad Al-Sham in particular, as it was present for two successive states that were established in the n orth of the Bilad Al-Sham, namely: the Hamdani state (333-406 AH / 944-1016 AD), and the Mirdasian state (415-473 AH / 1024 - 1080 AD), and during their time, Aleppo was The focus of the Fatimid Caliphate’s attention for more than a century, between the middle of the fourth century AH/10AD, and the middle of the fifth century Hegira / 11 AD, during the reigns of five Fatimid caliphs, they are: Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah (341-365 AH / 953-975 AD), Al-Aziz Billah (365-386 AH / 975-996 AD), Al-Hakim Bi-Amr Allah (386-411 AH / 996-1021 AD), AL-Zahir Li- Izzaz Deen Allah (411-427 AH/1021-1036 AD), and Al-Mustansir Billah (427-487 AH/1036-1094AD), Aleppo, during their covenants, took part of the administration’s attention. The Fatimids, which sought as much as they could to make it subordinate to its influence, and pushed dozens of military campaigns towards it to control it, and put it under direct Fatimid rule, It aims to unite the Bilad Al-Sham in a complete form under its control, and for importance of Aleppo location as a corridor connecting to Iraq, and wresting the leadership of the Islamic world from the Abbasid Caliphate.
The main purpose of the study is to show the rank of Arabic - as unexampled phenomenon - and It's literature both in poetry and prose in Iran , especially in gorgan who was peer to Isfahan in the fourth and the fifth Centries of Hejira. The Arabi c poetry captured the writer's minds and hearts in Gorgan which was an asylum to most poets and intellects. Thus, lilerature forums attracted some of them such as Alsaheb bn Abbad who came from Isfahan to destroy its king kabus bn Washimkeer who was a poet and a writer. The Influence of Arabic literature emerged clearly in the persian poetry in form and content. In addition, this effect also appeared obviously in Gorgan's poetry which was versified in Arabic using aductile style once, Al Bayroony said:''Satire in Arabic is more preferable to praise in Persain''.
The research centers around the conflict between the Ayyubid and Romanians Seljuks in the Levant. the causes behind these conflicts were mainly personal reasons and ambitions of expansion began in the reign of Alsultanyen Saladin and Kilij Arslan I I Seljuk, when Arslan wanted to expand to south and included both Kisom and Raban forts. so the relationship between the two parties tensed and continued like that to the end of the two Sultans' eras. the relationship between the two countries wasn't even better after their death,too. tensions continued in the era of Aladel Ayoubi and Ghayath KaiKhosrow Seljuk and this conflict attracted several alliances which did not produce any result but deepening the disagreements and exhausting these alliances forces. Then the modern research talked about Seljuk Sultan Rukn al-Din KayKāvus's desire to seize Aleppo, his excuse was that the city had been under control of his ancestors. In this context, he made a contact with ALafdal Ayyubid and added him to his army because he knew the benefit he would obtain by one of the Ayyubid princes being on his side, but the Ayyubid were able to stand up to him and force him to withdraw. the relationship between the two parties continued to be tense till the Seljuk Sultan Rukn al- Din died, then Alaa Aldeen Keykubad took over his place and set his eyes on Armenia Minor to dominate it so he concluded a peace with the Ayyubid and married the king Aladel Ayoub's daughter to make the relationship between them stronger.
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