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Arabic Literature in Fourth and Fifth Century Hejire - Gorgan As Example

الشعر العربي في إيران في القرنين الرابع و الخامس الهجريين - جرجان نموذجاً

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 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The main purpose of the study is to show the rank of Arabic - as unexampled phenomenon - and It's literature both in poetry and prose in Iran , especially in gorgan who was peer to Isfahan in the fourth and the fifth Centries of Hejira. The Arabic poetry captured the writer's minds and hearts in Gorgan which was an asylum to most poets and intellects. Thus, lilerature forums attracted some of them such as Alsaheb bn Abbad who came from Isfahan to destroy its king kabus bn Washimkeer who was a poet and a writer. The Influence of Arabic literature emerged clearly in the persian poetry in form and content. In addition, this effect also appeared obviously in Gorgan's poetry which was versified in Arabic using aductile style once, Al Bayroony said:''Satire in Arabic is more preferable to praise in Persain''.

References used
إبراهيم الأحدب :كشف المعاني والبيان عن رسائل بديع الزمان، دار التراث، بيروت.
إبراهيم الدسوقي شتا، المعجم الفارسي الكبير، القاهرة، مكتبة مدبولي، ط 1992 ،1 م.
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