اعتنى الصوفية على اختلاف مذاهبهم و فرقهم بما يسمَّى بالسَّماع و الرقص الصوفي, و هذا إن دلَّ على شيء فإنَّه يدل على أن السّماع ظاهرة أساسية , و عنصرٌ له دورٌ هام و فعال في صياغة التجربة الصوفية الروحية ؛ فهو يقوِّي الوجدو يبعث في النفس نوازع الحنين و الشوق إلى عالم الغيب, و يهيء المُريد لدخول الحَضرة الإلهية و معانقةِ المطلق, و العودة بالمريد إلى باطن ذاته فيعرِّيها و يكشف حقيقتها و يُعمّق الجانب الروحي فيها, كما يترافق السَّماع بأداء الحركات الراقصة الرمزية التي مِنْ شأنها أن تزيد التلاحم بين أفراد المجموعة التي تؤديها و تكشف عمق العلاقة بين المادي و الروحي في نفس (المؤدي –المريد) في تجربة تمتاز بخصائص تلخص تجربة الصوفي و توضحها و تعري أسرارها . و يعد بحثُنا صورة موجزة عن دورالسّماع و الرقص الصوفي و دلالاته التعبيرية في الاتحاد و التلاشي في الذات الإلهية كما تجلّت بوضوح تام في الطريقة المولوية التي أسسها جلال الدين الرومي .
In addition to their different directions and schools’sufis cared for what called:
sufism’s hearing and dancing ,in indication to the importance of hearing as a basic phenomenon
with important role of making the spirtitualesufism experience.that what make the
sufis believe that the hearing create love and passion of desire to haven and to the kingdom
of good. Then prepare willer to be recalled by holly presence of god to embrasse the absolution
,then bring him back to himself to reveale the spiritual trouth with in it .
Hearing usually be attended with dancing moves wich intensify the joining group of
dance.thus reveal the relation between the material and the spiritual in the willer soul.
This report offer abrief idea of soufism hearing and dancing and clearify the joining
and vanishing among the holly spirit wich we can observe clearly in MAWLAWYA way
References used
الرومي, جلال الدين.الرباعيات, تأويل:محمد عيد إبراهيم , دار الأحمدي, القاهر,ط1, 1998م, ص95
السهروردي,عبد القادر بن عبد الله.عوارف المعارف, بيروت,دار الكتاب العربي, 1966 .ص 433
القرآن الكريم
This research tries to present a clear image of the influence of
Mohammad Iqbal’s oriental culture (Indian poet 1877- 1928) on
his humane literature by showing this influence in many
The research arrives at the conclusion and results which
Mowlavi gave great significance to external medicine with a great
importance. And as it appears in his books, he had enough knowledge of
the physical sicknesses, its symptoms and its treatments. And mostly he
was using this information for clarify
This piece of research present a study of the Arabic and Islamic civilized Sufism since its early stages spanning over the first two Hijra centuries up until the ripe period of this domain starting from the end of the second Hijra century and over th
This research unseels Abdul GhaniAlnabulsy’s poem as an opposed poem for two other ones; which are the famous poem by Abdul Kareem Aljily and a poem by IbnAlfarid. That is to show the interrelation with in them through inducting the indicative parts
This research studies the hearing as a root of grammar with the
scientists of the 10th century of heijri ,specifically with Ibn Kamal
Basha in his book , Secrets of Grammar .So this research shades
the light on the method of Ibn Kamal Basha .