يهدف البحث إلى تحديد نوع وسمات الشخصيات الظاهرة في برامج الأطفال لقناة CN، و لتحقيق ذلك اخترنا المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الذي يعتمد على تحليل المحتوى كأداة للبحث و تم بناء شبكة لتحليل المضمون مؤلفة من (6) فئات رئيسة، و تم تطبيقها على (295) برنامج أطفال من برامج قناة CN و المسجلة على امتداد بث أسبوع كامل، و بالاعتماد على التكرارات و النسب المئوية تم التوصل إلى النتائج الآتية:
من أهم الموضوعات التي تتناولها برامج الأطفال على قناة CN الموضوعات الاجتماعية و الخيالية.
استخدمت اللغة العربية الفصحى في الموضوعات التي قدمتها برامج الأطفال.
سيطرة الإنتاج الأجنبي على مصادر إنتاج برامج الأطفال.
سيطرت الشخصية الذكورية على الشخصيات المقدمة في برامج أطفال قناة CN، و احتلت نسبة قدرها (%53.81) من مجمل الشخصيات الظاهرة.
من أهم صفات الشخصيات الذكورية: قوي و شجاع، سعيد، و ذو مظهر عصري.
من أهم سمات الشخصيات الأنثوية:المظهر العصري، سعيدة، واثقة من نفسها و شجاعة.
The research aims at determine the gender and the features of the characters in
children’s programs on CN. We chose an analytical descriptive approach that relies on
content analysis as a research tool.To achieve that a content analysis form was applied on a
sample of (295) programs. Results were as following:
1- The most common subjects in CN programs were the social subjects, and the
fiction subjects.
2- The most common language was the classical Arabic.
3- Most programs on CN were foreign.
4- The most common gender was the male relatively (%53.81).
5- the most common features of male characters were: the fashionable look, happy
and joy, strong and supernatural power.
6 - The most common features of female characterswere: the fashionable look, happy
and joy, the self-confidence.
References used
Kripendorff, K .Content analysis: An introduction to its Methodology. Sage, Beverly Hills, 1971,372
Levin, D. Remote Control Childhood. Journal of New Horizons in Education,Vol(58),2010,14-25
SHumaila , A. Abdulwahab,J. Gender Role portrayal on Cartoon Net Work. Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol (10), 2014,44-53
The aim of this research is to identify the mothers' point of view
about the role of children's satellite TV programs in emergence of
verbal, physical and symbolic violence. To achieve that, a
questionnaire was applied on a sample of (134) mothers
This research is mainly about the influence of protocols on the
performance of Satellite Communication.
We have studied and compared many TCP variants recently proposed.
The study aimed to determine the degreeof availability of social
skills in children's programs on Syrian television and Cartoon
Network Arabic channels, and to achieve this is to use a list of
appropriate social skills for children kindergarten pr
The present search aims to investigate the opinions of the schools directors about the
role of Dialogic and News programs in Citizenship education on the Syrian channels in the
following directions: ( Affiliation The Rights The Duties Value and
Writers, in general, characterized women through different
images. The dominated image in such writings is lustfulness. Dante
uses this image to present three Oriental women: Semiramis,
Cleopatra and Dido.