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منهجيات التصميم و التصنيع للنظم البصرية الخاضعة لإجهادات استاتيكية ناجمة عن المثبتات المعدنية و تغيرات درجة الحرارة

1361   0   22   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In the frame of expanding the concept of optical design to include the designing and manufacturing of opt-mechanical systems, and the effect of static stresses on optical elements due to fastening of metal retainers and the resulting optical performance, a literature review was carried out to show the effect of static stresses on optical elements due to metallic contacts, temperature and adhesives. Numerical method of finite elements to predict the visual performance of optical systems had been performed.

References used
Robert E. Fischer, Biljana Tadic-Galeb, & Paul R. Yoder, Optical System Design, 2nd Edition, SPIE Press, McGraw Hill, NY, 2008
KEITH J.KASUNIC ,Optomechanical systems engineering [M], Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2015
K. Schwertz, H. Burge, Field Guide to Optomechanical Design and Analysis[M] , Bellingham: SPIE Press ,2012
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It is very important to the design and development of natural isolating materials Which are used in the cover-up of solid waste landfill, clay soils or mixtures of these soils and some additions used as an impermeable liner for construction of soli d waste landfill, The permeability coefficient of the materials used in the impermeable system is the most important factors to prevent water leakage into the body of landfill site and to prevent the Leachate of leak into groundwater and soil surrounding the landfillsites. In this research has been the development and design Oedometer cell to study volumetric distortions occurring in these soils as a result of exposure of these soils to climatic conditions during the implementation of impermeable layer or after implementation due to rising temperatures in landfill because of biological interactions taking place at these landfill. It has been modified and the development of Oedometer cell to become a thermal cell So that it can control the degree of heat applied to the sample in the ring of device and then measure the volumetric changes in the sample, Oedometer cell has been linked to the permeability test system with variable head to measure the permeability of the testing sample, It was connected with the digital control , measuring and showing system for temperature and load and displacement.
Due to the importance of climate changes and their strong and increasing influences on different human and ecological systems, It is necessary to study and understand these changes. This research aims to determine the direction and magnitude of the change in temperatures and rainfall trend during 1978-2011 in Latakia, Kasaab and Slenfeh. The study has been done through the analysis of annual, seasonal, and monthly rainfall amount and temperature average, which showed a significant increasing in the average annual temperature in the three regions and significant seasonally increasing except for Winter in Latakia and Slenfeh, Autumn in Latakia. But the annual rainfall changes were nonsignificant, while seasonally rainfall increased significantly in Slenfeh Winter and decreased in Kasaab Winter. After dividing the entire study duration into two equal periods 1978-1995, 1995-2011 and comparing the second period with the first one, we found a significant increasing in the average annual temperature in the three regions, non- significant in the annual and seasonal rainfall changes. The highest significant in seasonal temperature in Latakia, Kasaab and Slenfeh reached +1.5, +2.9, +1.8 during September, August، and May respectively. While the annual drought showed increased trend in Latakia and kasaab and decreased one in Slenfeh.
The retroreflection phenomenon takes place in all optical and optoelectronical devices and systems that use optical detectors, mirrors, CCD cameras, filters, or glasses in the focal point and in the optical measurement instruments, in general, pro vided that some of their optical components are retroreflective to light even for small apertures. The article studies a precise method to measure the retroreflection index of optical, opto-electronical systems, and treats the optical retroreflections which are used in applied research of light with various lasers such as: Nd:YAG first and second harmonics, He-Ne, and laser diodes. We have studies the conformity of our results to the theory of retroreflectors. We found that the retroreflection coefficient depends on laser wavelength. The article points out that at 532nm laser wavelength the retroreflection is greater than at 1064nm laser wavelength. The results of this paper can be used in applied research, and led to description of a mathematical relationship between the retroreflection index and laser wavelength.
This research aimed at studying the impact of firm characteristics on the level of social responsibility disclosure by firms subject to the rules of The Syrian Commission on Financial Markets and Securities. The research was applied on 38 companies for which data was available from 2007-2013. To measure the level of firms’ social responsibility disclosure, the dependent variable, an index was built based on the KLD index. Firm characteristics, the independent variables, that were examined are: profitability, financial leverage, age, industrial sector, size, managerial ownership, institutional ownership and foreign ownership. Data were hand collected from the annual reports of the firms in question and analyzed following the random effect model, of the panel data models. The results indicate that the size of the firm and its profitability are positively linked to its social responsibility disclosure. No effect however was detected for the age of the firm, the industrial sector, and the ownership structure. The results also reveal that the Syrian crisis had a positive effect on the level of social responsibility disclosure, as these firms increased disclosure of social responsibility related to community service, particularly those related to the support of martyrs families and war casualities.

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