نظراً لأهمية التغيرات المناخية و تأثيراتها الكبيرة و المتزايدة على الأنظمة البيئية و البشرية المختلفة، فإنه من الضروري دراسة و فهم هذه التغيرات. يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة اتجاه و مقدار التغير الحاصل في درجة الحرارة و كمية الأمطار خلال الفترة 2011-1978 في اللاذقية، كسب و صلنفة. تم ذلك من خلال التحليل السنوي و الفصلي و الشهري لكمية الأمطار و متوسط درجة الحرارة، و التي أظهرت ارتفاعا معنويا لمتوسط درجة الحرارة السنوية في المناطق الثلاث و ارتفاعا فصليا معنويا باستثاء شتاء اللاذقية و صلنفة و خريف اللاذقية. أما الأمطار السنوية فكانت تغيراتها غير معنوية، بينما تزايدت الأمطار الفصلية معنوياً في شتاء صلنفة و تناقصت معنوياً في شتاء كسب. و بعد تقسيم مدة الدراسة لفترتين متساويتين 1995-1978،2011-1995 و مقارنة الفترة الثانية بالأولى تبين مايلي: وجود زيادة معنوية للحرارة السنوية في كافة المناطق، عدم معنوية تغيرات الأمطار السنوية و الفصلية، بلغت أعلى زيادة معنوية في درجات الحرارة الشهرية في اللاذقية، كسب، و صلنفة +1.8، +2.9، +1.5 خلال أشهر أيلول، آب، و أيار على التوالي. أما الجفاف السنوي فقد أظهر اتجاهاً متزايداً في كل من اللاذقية و كسب و متناقصاً في صلنفة.
Due to the importance of climate changes and their strong and increasing influences
on different human and ecological systems, It is necessary to study and understand these
changes. This research aims to determine the direction and magnitude of the change in
temperatures and rainfall trend during 1978-2011 in Latakia, Kasaab and Slenfeh. The
study has been done through the analysis of annual, seasonal, and monthly rainfall amount
and temperature average, which showed a significant increasing in the average annual
temperature in the three regions and significant seasonally increasing except for Winter in
Latakia and Slenfeh, Autumn in Latakia. But the annual rainfall changes were nonsignificant,
while seasonally rainfall increased significantly in Slenfeh Winter and
decreased in Kasaab Winter. After dividing the entire study duration into two equal periods
1978-1995, 1995-2011 and comparing the second period with the first one, we found a
significant increasing in the average annual temperature in the three regions,
non- significant in the annual and seasonal rainfall changes. The highest significant in
seasonal temperature in Latakia, Kasaab and Slenfeh reached +1.5, +2.9, +1.8 during
September, August، and May respectively. While the annual drought showed increased
trend in Latakia and kasaab and decreased one in Slenfeh.
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This research contains two part; The first is about theoretical part of
Variables Affecting Exchange Rate of Foreign Currencies Pass –
Through on inflation rate in Syria. The second is statistic part since
this research proposes and estimates a model to determine the effect
of the exchange rate for the Syrian Pound (SYP) vs US Dollar
(USD) Pass – Through on inflation rate in Syria. This research used
monthly data for the period of 2000 to April 2013. This research
employed the unit root test and Causality Test by using E-Views
statistic program.
The research aims to study the impact of the change in rainfall on wheat Productivity
in al-Hasakah station in the Eastern Province. and to achieve the objectives of the research
were to adopt a time series first one from 1991 until 2010,was used a
The research aims to study the relationship between the health situation variables and
a group of economic variables in Syria during the Period (2000-2011), as the research
aims to create a mathematical model that illustrates the relationship betwe
The purpose of this research is to study the determinants of the real exchange rate in
Syria during the period 1990 to 2011. We employed Vector Auto Regression (VAR) model
to study the long-term relationship between the real exchange rate and the f
This research aims to introduce the essence and types of the operational risks and
good practices to manage and control these risks in the Commercial Bank of Syria in
accordance with the Monetary and Credit Council resolutions. Since the correct ap