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تصميم و تنفيذ مصححات لاكروية مبتكرة لقياس السطوح اللاكروية

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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As part of the effort to localize the technology of the measurement of aspheric optical surfaces within the available capabilities locally, we conducted a theoretical study that includes the importance of these surfaces and design algorithm to achieve better performance of optical systems, in addition to studying the most important methods of measurement, with the allocation of the bulk of the research on the study of optical systems that called "Optical Corrector", And methods of its investment, and then seek to develop special optical correctors.

References used
BRAUNECKER B, HENTSCHEL R, TIZIANI H. Advanced Optics Using Aspherical Elements [M], SPIE Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010 USA, (2008)
SCHULZ, GÜNTER. Imaging performance of aspherics in comparison with spherical surfaces [J] Applied optics 26.23 : 5118-5124, (1987)
Rector Magnificus, H.J. Frankena "Shaping and Finishing of Aspherical Optical Surfaces", ISBN 90-5651-057– 6, Eburon (1998)
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إن بعض أجهزة قياس الغزارة التي تعتمد في عملها على قياس تواتر الدوامات التي تتشكل خلف حاجز مغمور في السائل تكون كثيرة الدقة عندما يتم قياس تواترها عن طريق قياس عدد الدوامات التي تؤثر في صفيحة مستوية متوضعة ضمن السياج المتشكل خلف الحاجز. و بذلك نستط يع اعتماد عدد ستروهال جديد ثابت مستقل ليس له علاقة بنسبة التضـايق و لقـد درست الخصائص المميزة لهذا الجهاز في الحالتين: الجريان المستمر و الجريان غير المسـتمر و هـذا الجهاز يستخدم كجهاز قياس عددي.
As part of the endeavor to establish new optical manufacturing technologies, to include the manufacture of aspheric optical surfaces using traditional and non-traditional methods, a reference study that explains the concept of aspheric optical surfac es and their design considerations relative to spherical ones has been conducted. A study of international manufacturing methods and in our controlled manufacturing methods using the technologies and equipment available to us as well has been done. These studies provide the possibility and expertise to manufacture new types of optical surfaces. The results of these studies are applied on the technologies available to us for use in the manufacture and measurement of aspherical optical surfaces.
The main goal of this search is to design maximum solar power batteries charging system, Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system is used in the photovoltaic (PV) system consisting of a buck-boost Direct Current DC/DC converter, which is controll ed by a microcontroller unit, The microcontroller is programmed with a simple and reliable MPPT called Incremental Conductance (InCond). The designed battery charger was tested, and the results obtained had insured about the permanent control on the battery charging. Comparison study was done, with PWM solar charger controller, it was obvious by The experimental results, that the battery get charged in a very short time period considering of the solar sun light hours per day, and the characteristics of the used solar panel, which confirm the reliable performance of the suggested charging system.
The DC sources like fuel cells, solar cells, storage units need to raise its output voltage in order to match load requirements. So often these systems are equipped with Power Electronics techniques in general and DC-DC booster converters in partic ular. The paper provides the mathematical model and algorithm for designing the booster converter with selected values in order to define the values of the most important parameters of its components including inductor parameters. Based on the developed algorithm, a simulation of the system is conducted in MATLAB / Simulink environment to analyze the impact of changing the inductor inductance on booster performance. Also the paper includes the mathematical model and algorithm for designing the booster inductor in terms of material, conductor type and shape of core and number of windings. Based on the design results, the inductor has been implemented completely in the laboratory. The inductance of the implemented inductor has been measured using a number of measuring methods to make sure of its value and match it with the theoretical values of design. Finally, the developed algorithm has been translated into a program in an environment Matlab / GUI , with which several computer tests have been performed.
High Voltage Direct Current systems have been used for transporting electrical energy for very long distances, at high voltages (100- 1000 kv). On utilize thyristorized or transistorized power converters, one converter is working as rectifier at s ending side, and the other is working as inverter at receiving side. Back to Back Converters are used also where the rectifier and inverter are at the same station, transmission line has hundreds of meters as long. In our model we used non controlled three phase rectifier as sending station and controlled three phase bridge as receiving station (Graitze).

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