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تصميم و تصنيع و توصيف سطوح بصرية لاكروية زجاجية مصنعة بطرائق تقليدية و غير تقليدية

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 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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As part of the endeavor to establish new optical manufacturing technologies, to include the manufacture of aspheric optical surfaces using traditional and non-traditional methods, a reference study that explains the concept of aspheric optical surfaces and their design considerations relative to spherical ones has been conducted. A study of international manufacturing methods and in our controlled manufacturing methods using the technologies and equipment available to us as well has been done. These studies provide the possibility and expertise to manufacture new types of optical surfaces. The results of these studies are applied on the technologies available to us for use in the manufacture and measurement of aspherical optical surfaces.

References used
G.M.Sanger, “The precision machining of optics”, Chapter 6 of “Applied Optics and Optical Engineering”, Vol.X, Editors: R.R.Shannon and J.C.Wyant, Academic Press, pp.253, table1, (1987)
C.F.Kranenberg, K.C.Jungling, “Subsurface damage identification in optically transparent materials using a nondestructive method,” Applied Optics, 7 (1994)
H.H. Karow, “Optical materials”, Chapter 1 of “Fabrication Methods for Precision Optics”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, ISBN 0-471-51222-2, pp.1- 89, (1993)
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The refered data from geophysical surveys (seismic-logging) and samples analysis,that the paleozoic Tanf/Al Aba formation that belong to Paleozoic Era ,represent the most important rock generating hydrocarbon in Syria. And this covers big parts o f Syria and with different thickness, between zero to 1100 m.
As part of the effort to localize the technology of the measurement of aspheric optical surfaces within the available capabilities locally, we conducted a theoretical study that includes the importance of these surfaces and design algorithm to achi eve better performance of optical systems, in addition to studying the most important methods of measurement, with the allocation of the bulk of the research on the study of optical systems that called "Optical Corrector", And methods of its investment, and then seek to develop special optical correctors.
Fractal antenna are considered actually as the most important large band antenna, due to their design parameters that are based on fractal geometry. The long distance between two specific points of antenna and hisself similarity allow to obtain a m ultiple resonance frequencies (Wide Band), which is used for several application. The using of dipole antenna in form of Van-Koch curve offer multi-resonance antenna, the Nec simulator is used to design this antenna. The proposed antenna had been fabricated and measured in the antenna laboratory at two central frequencies 1GHz and 10 GHz. Both theoretical and experimental results were very closed in spite of imperfect experiment condition. The Van- Koch antenna fabrication and measurement in laboratory gives the possibility to designing and applying this antenna type, additionally we can study the change of antenna parameters ( gain, rayon diagram … ) when the fractal parameters varies.
As a result of the development of the use of reinforced Composites with fibers in practical applications continuously, research aims to study the effect of proportion piroxide additives to unsaturated polyester resin on the tensile properties of th e samples prepared from unsaturated polyester resin reinforced with glass fiber used in wind turbine blades manufacturing, and also studying the effect of for the application of heat treatment operations on the hardening of the unsaturated polyester and tensile properties after heat treatment process the application in order to improve the properties of these blades. Test samples were prepared containing ratios (1% - 1.5% - 2%) of methyl Etel ketone piroxide MEKP and test results showed that the best ratio at 1.5%. While the heat treatment results showed that the best values for tensile strength at break of the samples are treated to a time of / 48 hours /.
Usually, a reflector dish with a loudspeaker or a microphone placed at its focal point is used in directed acoustic systems to determine the direction in which the acoustic wave is transmitted or received, in addition to improve the gain in the ac oustic transmission or reception. As the parabolic reflector dish with an oval aperture has significant advantages, and there is no relationship between parameters of this dish and some variables that have direct influence on acoustical emission or reception of this dish, this work is intended to find this relationship, and this is achieved by carrying out a theoretical and experimental study to find the optimum utilization of this dish in directed acoustic systems.
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