قررت دراسة الصورة الفنية اعتماداً على حاستي الذوق و البصر
و اخترت شعر سعاد الصباح الشاعرة الكويتية النشأة, ليكون مادة تطبيقية تدعم التناول
النظري لهذا المفهوم .
I have decided to study the technical picture depending
on the senses of sight and taste so that I havechosen poetry
Su'ad Al-Sabbah–a Kuwaiti poet -to appliymaterial to support the
theoretical approach to this concept.
References used
إبراهيم ,جودت,ملامح نظرية نقد الشعر العربي , تنوير للطباعة ,حمص ط1, 1994
إبراهيم ,جودت ,منهجية البحث و التحقيق ,منشورات جامعة البعث, 2007, 2008
The research discusses the importance of poetic image, and its
methods of study, and the types of images the poet uses, as reflection, a
diagnosis of abstractions, concrete objects, and human emotions in a
suggestive expressive way: The study also
This study explores "And Flowers Know Anger" divan. The poet
concentrates on her suffering and her personal hardship for the loss of her
husband, the prince Abdullah Bin Al-Mubarak. Her creative experience
represented by her connotative poems that
The image is composed of the physical elements of the
architectural work like the shape , color , surface and etc … ,
and the visual, emotional and intellectual impressions and
sensations associated with this work, and this image is
affected main
مصطلح التشكيل بمضمونه الجمالي والتعبير يبرز عادة في حقل الفنون الجميلة وفي فن الرسم خصوصا وبسبب تداخل الفنون بشكل واسع وعميق أصبح ترحيل كثيرمن المصطلحات والمفاهيم والأساليب التي تعمل في فن من الفنون إل حقول فنون أخر أمرا ميسورا وضروريا
This paper deals with the poetic necessity of Qudamah Ben
Jaafar, he begins by explaining the term necessary, and then he displays the emergence of Arabic grammar and its motives; he also refers to the Arabic criticism which was subjective without