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أثر الحواس في تشكيل الصورة الشعرية عند سعاد الصباح

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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I have decided to study the technical picture depending on the senses of sight and taste so that I havechosen poetry Su'ad Al-Sabbah–a Kuwaiti poet -to appliymaterial to support the theoretical approach to this concept.

References used
إبراهيم ,جودت,ملامح نظرية نقد الشعر العربي , تنوير للطباعة ,حمص ط1, 1994
إبراهيم ,جودت ,منهجية البحث و التحقيق ,منشورات جامعة البعث, 2007, 2008
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The research discusses the importance of poetic image, and its methods of study, and the types of images the poet uses, as reflection, a diagnosis of abstractions, concrete objects, and human emotions in a suggestive expressive way: The study also observes the poet's use of images that observe the dynamics of mobile and static objects that move only in the imagination; of single and compound colors; of correspondences of times; of figurative passions with their musical rhythms, and of significations of lexical meaning of words so that the poetic expression will reach the highest levels of artistic aesthetics. It also discusses and a single, composite color, and correspond between the times, and the varying situations , also words of emotion either catalog music, or cast the various implications of the lexical semantic; then the poetic expression, will reatch to the highest levels of influence and artistic beauty.
This study explores "And Flowers Know Anger" divan. The poet concentrates on her suffering and her personal hardship for the loss of her husband, the prince Abdullah Bin Al-Mubarak. Her creative experience represented by her connotative poems that emphasize the family relationship, seen in her exceptional relationship with the prince the husband. On the other hand, her revolution and mutiny against the authority of the husband. It also shows us her support for the Arab woman rejecting to be always under the authority of men as being inferior without having her role or even her opinion. Thus she rejects incomplete solutions regarding this issue, but she accepts the authoritative colonization from her husband. The poet was able to formulate the whole event with an innovative pictorial style that shows the sense of belonging, patience, and love towards the family, the homeland, the nation and most importantly, the humanity in general.
The image is composed of the physical elements of the architectural work like the shape , color , surface and etc … , and the visual, emotional and intellectual impressions and sensations associated with this work, and this image is affected main ly by the symbols and the meanings inspired by the physical elements of the different people users of these works.
مصطلح التشكيل بمضمونه الجمالي والتعبير يبرز عادة في حقل الفنون الجميلة وفي فن الرسم خصوصا وبسبب تداخل الفنون بشكل واسع وعميق أصبح ترحيل كثيرمن المصطلحات والمفاهيم والأساليب التي تعمل في فن من الفنون إل حقول فنون أخر أمرا ميسورا وضروريا
This paper deals with the poetic necessity of Qudamah Ben Jaafar, he begins by explaining the term necessary, and then he displays the emergence of Arabic grammar and its motives; he also refers to the Arabic criticism which was subjective without depending on standards, until the beginning of blogging era and development of science; it has being influenced by other cultures, particularly Greek philosophy. The most affected person, put foundations and controls for criticism he was Qudamah Ben Jaafar, who wrote a book called (criticism of poetry) which pointed to the failure of his predecessors who launched judgments on the poetry and limited their attention to the rhyme, strange and meanings, and neglected the difference between good and bad poetry, he put limits to the poetry, and clarified its pillars, and explained the reasons of the good and bad quality of poetry, and judged defects on the poems in which their content are disturbed (pronunciation, weight, rhyme, meaning), and these defects included damages and so on.
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