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الرقابة القضائية على مدى التزام الإدارة بإعادة التوازن المالي للعقد الإداري في حالة الصعوبات المادية غير المتوقعة ( دراسة مقارنة )

1386   6   138   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The contractor aims at the management to make a lot of profits from its implementation of its contractual obligations. If it meets with this purpose the measures taken by the administration or the circumstances or difficulties that made the contractor's implementation of its obligations more burdensome, the administration shall intervene in this case to ensure the financial balance of the contract To ensure that it continues to meet its obligations.

References used
Dr. AL-SHARAF TAFOUKA, Ibrahim, Difficulties Facing the Implementation of the Administrative Contract, Comparative Study, House of University Publications, Alexandria, 2011
Dr. Al-MANJI, Ibrahim, Administrative Contracts, Knowledge Establishment, Alexandria, First Edition, 2009
Dr. SALAMEH BADER, Ahmed, Administrative Contracts and the BOT Contract, Dar Al-Nahda Al Arabiya, Cairo, 2010
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In this research, we will define competent administrative judiciary for control on decision of penal cancellation of administrative contract (at first) and clarifying span of control (at second), until reaching to define of what administrative judiciary has powers against decision of penal cancellation of contract in case of its illegality (at third).
يجب ألا يؤدي الاحترام المطلق لمبدأ الشرعية إلى تعريض الدولة و المجتمع لخط الانهيار في حال تعرضها لظروف استثنائية طارئة. سأتبع في هذا البحث الأسلوب التحليلي المقارن بين الأنظمة المتعددة في كل من فرنسا و مصر و سوريا.
The public administrationenjoys in the exercise of its functions exhibition, many of the privileges which the discretionary power, which constitutes the spirit and essence of public administration, where the effectiveness of the administrative syst em requires grant administration, this power in order to take into account the varying and changing conditions in order to achieve the common good. And exhibits legislator while giving management the authority of certain one of two methods: it is either to determine the conditions and controls that management should follow when direct competence, authority shall be restricted in this case, and their work is limited to the application of the law to cases that meet the requirements of this application. Or be left to the management discretion to decide voluntarily, so have the power to estimate the time and how to engage in appropriate terms of reference and powers directly without restrictions. It is useful to say here that the judicial control over the administration's actions were not all on one level, but it is expanding and narrowing according corner which operates the judge supervision, vimta administrative judge supervision and wide in the field of restricted Chiefs of the administrative decision, while supervision narrowed somewhat in the field of Staff discretion, discretion order not to turn into a bad action threatens the rights and freedoms of individuals, it has expanded the administrative control of the elimination of appropriate management decisions scale, through the adoption of advanced theories represented in my theory wrong Albin and the balance between the benefits and damages.
It gives the public law of the administrative powers the permit to carry out a series of actions to ensure the satisfaction of public needs, thereby achieving the public need. Generally, these acts of administrative and business are the availability of public power element which clearly shows the composition of the administrative decision and the administrative contract.
In the paper, we study gravitational field generated by a special type of homogeneous material curves that are denoted circumscribed curves. Characteristic state of these curves is the linking of each one of them to a circle, and the circumscribing of him around the circle, or an arc of him, according to a precise meaning. The circumscribed curve consists of arcs of a circle, and straight segments, their right supports are tangents to the circle. In special case, where this curve is a polygon, the sides are tangents to a circle. In this case, we call the polygon, circumscribed polygon. The study shows that the center of the circle, around it, a homogeneous material curve circumscribed, is an equilibrium center.
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