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التراث الكتابي العبري

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Hebrew is a semetic language whose origin goes back to the Western Northen Canaanite Group, Hebrew has a written tradition whose general development can be traced through its ages: old, middle, and modern.

References used
Broklman, Carl, 1977 AD, fikh Alloughat Al Samiah, translated by: Ramadan Abdul Tawab, no edition, Riyad University Publications, Saudi Arabia, 173
Hijazi, Mahmoud Fahmy, no date, Ilm Allougha Al Arabiah, no edition, Dar Ghraib for Printing and Publishing, 355
Rabin, Haim, 2010 AD, Mokhtasar Tarikh Al llougha Al Arabiah, Translated by Dr. Talib Al-Quraishi, Review: D. Reda Al-Moussawi, first Edition, Beit al-Hikma, Baghdad, 112
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Due to the prominent place composition holds in teaching French to non-native speakers, this article examines the effectiveness of formative evaluation in improving the writing skills of second year students in the department of French language. I n addition, by showing the difference in the scoring results between the students who followed the formative evaluation and those who didn’t, this article aims to illustrate the impact of distributing copies of the grading scale to students during the training period.
NLP research in Hebrew has largely focused on morphology and syntax, where rich annotated datasets in the spirit of Universal Dependencies are available. Semantic datasets, however, are in short supply, hindering crucial advances in the development o f NLP technology in Hebrew. In this work, we present ParaShoot, the first question answering dataset in modern Hebrew. The dataset follows the format and crowdsourcing methodology of SQuAD, and contains approximately 3000 annotated examples, similar to other question-answering datasets in low-resource languages. We provide the first baseline results using recently-released BERT-style models for Hebrew, showing that there is significant room for improvement on this task.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى محاولة تتبع مفهوم النص في التراث اللساني العربي باستنطاق نصوص بعض أعلامه المشهورين مثل: الخليل و سيبويه و الإمام الشافعي و الجاحظ و عبد القاهر الجرجاني... و غيرهم، و ذلك من خلال منظومة من المفاهيم المفاتيح مثل: الجملة و القول و الخطاب و النظم و التبليغ و البيان. و كلها مفاهيم أساسية في النظرية المكونة للنص بخاصة؛ و لذلك يمكن تحديد مفهوم النص بالتفريق بين مستويين من الدراسة هما: مستوى البنية و مستوى الخطاب الذي يعد حدثًا إعلاميًا يتطلب عناصر كالمتكلم و المخاطب و المعلومات التي يعرفها عن الخطاب و المقام الذي يحدث فيه كل ذلك.
شكلَّ التراث رافداً مهماً في الأعمال القصصية الحديثة ؛لأنّ التراث هو الهوية الثقافية للأمة و أمينها ، و هو المدافع عنها أمام الثقافات الوافدة . من هنا اتجه زكريا تامر في قصصه إلى توظيف التراث ، و قد استطاع زكريا تامر مزج التراث بالأدب ، و الأدب بالت راث إذ إنّ العلاقة بينهما ليست علاقة إبداع و حسب ، و إنما هي علاقة اندماج ، و عشق بحيث يتحول التراث في وعي الكاتب إلى مكوّن ثقافي فاعل يتوسل به الكاتب فكريا و فنيا لتحقيق درجات التغيير ، و التواصل مع المتلقي. تتنوع المصادر التراثية في عالم زكريا تامر القصصي ، إذ نلتقي بمصادر تاريخية كعمر المختار و يوسف العظمة و صقر قريش و طارق بن زياد ، و مصادر إنسانية كجنكيز خان و هولاكو . و أخرى دينية كـقابيل و هابيل ، و النبي يوسف (ع)، و مصادر شعبية كالشاطر حسن ، و مما يلاحظ أنّ الكاتب وظف هذه الرموز بشكل دقيق فنيّاً و معنوياً ممّا أدى إلى إثراء عالمه القصصي.
The quality was not the creation of this new era, its roots date back to the old Arab scholars. They have studied it in-depth in their scientific publications, the poets were sitting and competing with each other in Makkah's markets to choose the best poetry, through a committee of quality experts who judge their poetry. The meanings –which have the topic of composition and its rules- having a great deal of quality. Al- Jurjani had studied and treated this topic exhaustively, when he criticized Al-Jahiz who were interested in the literal meaning which has no value unless it has a noble meanings. Add to that, the Arabic script has a big merit in the language, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (S.W.T). Said: ﴾Nun By the pen And by the record which (men) write1﴿ Allah S.W.T. has oath in the pen, because it has a big honor, and the person who writes well occupy a high place in the nation. The reliable writer is close to the Sultan in most things if not all of them. In view of the punctuation marks which have a big importance in the language, to know the devision and connecting of the speech, and also the beginning and the end of it, the quality standard had been taking into consideration in all of the above matters, and obtained an elaborated study in old times of Arabs.
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