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The combination of singular solutions of infinite micropolar elastic body with axisymetric state of elastic strain and subjected to temprrature field

تركيب الحلول الشاذة لجسم مرن يملك بنية جزيئية، و غير منته و ذي انفعالات مرنة متناظرة محورياً و يخضع لحرارة

822   0   7   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Mathematics
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper concerns the mathematical, linear model of micropolar elastic, homogeneous and isotropic body, of axisymetric state of small deformations, in the frame of the linear theory of micropolar elasticity with six material constants . In the paper, first we introduce the dynamic displacements-rotation-temperature equations for the considerable body in the axisymetric state of small deformation , subjected to temperature field.

References used
Gerrit van Dijk , 2013 - Distribution Theory , De Gtuyter Graduate Lectures, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek , Berlin
Debnath , L & Bhatta , D , 2007 – Integral Transforms and their Applications, ( Second Edition), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida
B.Słotwińska & J.Dyszlewicz , 1996- The Cerruti problem, Studia Geotechnica et Machanic ,vol.18,No 1-2
rate research

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This paper aims to calculate regular classical and complementary, so regular total Ignaczak solutions coupled with temperature field ,occupying R3 , and with vanishing stresses and temperature on the boundary.
This paper concerns the mathematical, linear model of elastic, homogeneous and isotropic body, with neglected structure and small elastic deformations, in the frame of linear theory of elasticity; proposed by Hooke, and shortly called (H).

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