يتطرّق البحث إلى توضيح مفهوم النُصب، و مكانته و أنماطه و أشكاله المتنوعة منذُ القدم
و حتى الآن، و تطوره و تطور المواد الخام المكوّنة له و نسبته و تناسبه مع الفراغ و اختلاف
معايير تصنيفه و تصميمه عبر الزمن؛ و يتناول الدور الفعّال الذي يقوم به العمل النُصبيّ
في ترسيخ المثل العليا في الذاكرة الإنسانية و في تطوير بنية الواقع الاجتماعي و العمراني
و تنظيم الموقع و المكان الذي يشغله لا تجميله و حسب؛ ذلك كونه رمزا طويل الديمومة
مُجسدَاً في المعاني التي تعكسها أشكاله الفنية ذات المضامين الفكرية و الإنسانية.
كما يتناول مشكلة جهل الغالبية في بلداننا بأهمية و قيمة النُصب حيث إن ثقافة الشعوب
العربية فيما يخص النّصب ثقافة قاصرة إن لم نقل أنّها شبه معدومة. و يجبّ الاهتمام
بتوطيد العلاقة بين الأفراد و الأعمال النُّصبية وفق العمارة؛ بطريقة تنعكس إيجاباً عليهما
معاً و على أوطاننا.
The research clarifies the aspect of the monument, its position,
types and different forms since ancient times till now. It also shows
the development of its raw materials, ratio and fitness with the
space as well as the variations in its classification standards
throughout history. This research also handles the effective role of
a monumental work in fixing high values in human memory and
developing the architectural social reality and organizing the site
and place that it occupies not only making it beautiful.
The monument is a long term symbol embodied in the meanings
reflected by its artistic forms which are full of human and mental
This research approaches the issue of majority ignorance of the
importance and value of a monument in our countries. Arabic
people have a minor or even no knowledge at all of the statue.
Efforts should be made to strengthen the relationship between
individuals and monumental works as well as architecture in a way
that will bring positive results for both and for our homelands.
References used
The relationship between Graphics and human existence is correlative and dialectical. The graphic artist who does not believe in the integration of art and man-related technical development is one whose art will be isolated and will not aeheive its g
I admired the charm of "Signatures", their richness of vocabulary,
construction, perfection and musical fusion .Each word is tightly
connected to the other within an accurate literary form.
And these might be a consequence of the characteristics o
The current study aims at investigating the art of the essay artice
Mikhail Naima who is considered one of the main pillars in Al-mahjar
school and one of the most prominent and active members of Al-Rābi ah
al-Qalamiyah. He was a model of enlighte
This paper consists of the following elements:
A - Introduction: includes an overview of symbolism, and the most important patrons, and common goals
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B - The symbol and symbolism in Western culture: the researcher reviews the multiple p
This research aims to identify the reality of the right to play in the kindergarten of
Lattakia, and its importance from the viewpoint of the parameters, it aims also to identify
the differences in their views about the reality of the right to play