إن علاقة فن الجرافيك بالتطور التقاني و الوجود الإنساني هي علاقة جدلية و مترابطة، فالفن الجرافيكي الذي لا يؤمن بتكامل الفن مع التقدم التقاني المرتبط بالإنسان يكون فنًا متقوقعًا لا يؤدي أهدافه و خصائصه، تناول هذا البحث خصوصية الإبداع التقاني في فن الجرافيك و الاتجاهات المختلفة بين أنصار التقانة التقليدية التي تتقارب مع الوجود الإنساني في العمل الفني، فيما الاتجاه الثاني تمحور حول اتجاه التطرف في استخدام التطور التقاني. في حين تناول الاتجاه الثالث الاتجاه المعتدل في استخدام التطور التقاني.
إن التطور التقاني في فن الجرافيك لا يمكن له أن يتحقق إلا من خلال توظيفه توظيفًا متوازنًا مع التقانات التقليدية لتحقيق المعادلة بين الجمال التقاني و التعبير الإنساني .
The relationship between Graphics and human existence is correlative and dialectical. The graphic artist who does not believe in the integration of art and man-related technical development is one whose art will be isolated and will not aeheive its goals and characteristics.
This research deals with the privacy of technical creativity in graphic art and various trends, the first of which considers technical development as a danger threatening human existence in art work, while another focuses on the extreme use of technical development, whereas the third refers to the moderate
use of technical development in art work.
The technical development in graphic art can only be achieved through a parallel employment to reach a balance between technical beauty and human expression.
References used
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This study investigates the relationship between the financial
development and the economic growth in Syria during the period
(1980-2010). The financial development was measured by the
credit granted to the private sector and the broad money M2
whereas the economic growth was measured by the real gross
domestic product per capita.
This paper tests the relationship between economic growth and human
development using annual data from Syria for the period 1970-2000. This
period is chosen for two reasons; firstly because of its political and economic
homogeneity which is conduc
This study is attempting to point out to the difficulties frustrating the
human development in both intellectual and practical fields. To do
this, this study will attempt to explore the main negative reflections
of the IMF recipes in the human alt
Most of the architectural studies are trying now to follow the new methods to solve the problems
of energy waste, and inefficiency of our buildings. The energy is consumed out by all sectors of
life randomly, and in particular in the construction s
The present study aims to identify the similarities and differences in the view of
values between the main social theoretical trends adopted as assets to discuss topics of
interest to sociology. These trends agreed in principle to give quality of o