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Effect of Adding Sumac Seeds Powder on Live Body weight and Mortality rate in Broiler

تأثير إضافة مسحوق بذور السماق على الوزن الحي و نسبة النفوق في الفروج

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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An experiment was carried out using (350) one day-old broiler non sexed chicks of commercial line. The birds were distributed into 7 groups (of 50 birds each).

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
أجريت دراسة لتقييم تأثير إضافة مسحوق بذور السماق على الوزن الحي ونسبة النفوق في الفروج. استخدم في التجربة 350 صوصاً وزعت إلى سبع مجموعات، حيث أضيف مسحوق ثمار السماق بنسب مختلفة (0.2%-0.4%-0.6%) إلى الخلطات العلفية. أظهرت النتائج زيادة معنوية في الوزن الحي عند الطيور التي تناولت مسحوق السماق بدون بذرة بنسبة 0.6% و0.4% مقارنة بمجموعة الشاهد. لم يكن لإضافة مسحوق السماق تأثير واضح على كمية العلف المستهلك، لكن تحسن معامل التحويل العلفي بشكل ملحوظ عند إضافة مسحوق السماق بنوعيه. لم تؤثر الإضافة على نسبة التصافي ومواصفات الذبيحة، وكانت نسبة النفوق ضمن الحدود الطبيعية. توصي الدراسة بإضافة مسحوق السماق بدون بذرة بنسبة 0.6% إلى الخلطات العلفية لما له من تأثير إيجابي على الوزن الحي.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة نحو استخدام بدائل طبيعية للصادات الحيوية في تغذية الدواجن. ومع ذلك، كان من الأفضل توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل تأثيرات أخرى مثل تأثير مسحوق السماق على صحة الأمعاء والجهاز المناعي للطيور. كما أن الدراسة لم تتناول الجوانب الاقتصادية لاستخدام مسحوق السماق، وهو جانب مهم يجب مراعاته عند تطبيق النتائج على نطاق واسع. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن تحسين تصميم التجربة بزيادة عدد المجموعات التجريبية لتشمل نسب إضافة مختلفة أو استخدام أنواع أخرى من النباتات الطبية للمقارنة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو دراسة تأثير إضافة مسحوق بذور السماق على الوزن الحي ونسبة النفوق في الفروج.

  2. ما هي النسبة التي أظهرت أفضل نتائج في تحسين الوزن الحي؟

    النسبة التي أظهرت أفضل نتائج هي 0.6% من مسحوق السماق بدون بذرة.

  3. هل كان لإضافة مسحوق السماق تأثير على كمية العلف المستهلك؟

    لم يكن لإضافة مسحوق السماق تأثير واضح على كمية العلف المستهلك.

  4. ما هي التوصية الرئيسية للدراسة بناءً على النتائج؟

    التوصية الرئيسية هي إضافة مسحوق السماق بدون بذرة بنسبة 0.6% إلى الخلطات العلفية للفروج لتحسين الوزن الحي.

References used
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Attari. A, G.H. Amin., M.R. Fazeliand H. Jamalifar, 2007. Medicinal Plants.,7(1): 1-9
Barakat, A., Al-Bataina, O. Ahmed, Maslat, and M. M. ALKofahi (2003). Element analysis biological studies on ten oriental spices using XRF and Ames test. J. Tr. Elem. Med. Biol. 17:85-90
rate research

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An experiment was carried out using 280 unsexed chicks of a commercial broiler breed taken randomly from a hatchery after the start of hatching. The chicks were distributed into four groups of 70 chicks each. The chicks were fed a certain type of mash feeding for 7 days as follows: The chicks of the 1st group were given the basal diet directly after hatching containing 1.2% lysine, This diet is conformed to the American feed tables of (NRC, 1994). The 2nd and the 3rd group of chicks were given the diet directly after hatching but containing 1.45%, 1.70% lysine respectively, and maintaining the rest of the nutrients as in the basal diet. The chicks of 4th group were given the diet directly after hatching, but containing 24% protein, and maintaining the rest of the nutrients as in the basal diet. After 7 days the chicks of four groups fed a broiler pellet commercial diet until the age of 42 days. The results showed the importance of adding lysine to the diet directly after hatching on the average live weight at the end of the first week, the differences were significant (P ≤ 0.05) between the chicks of the third group compared to chicks of the first group. It was also noted that the increase in lysine in the diet is better than increasing the crude protein to 24% (P ≤ 0.01) on the average live weight at the end of the first week. No significant differences were noticed among the average live weight of the chicks of all groups at the end of the experiment
This research was carried out using a total of 60 one-day old chicks from hybrid broiler (Hubbard). Opened house system was used for rearing on floor pens. The chicks divided randomly into three equal groups. The first group considered as a contro l which was fed on a ration without supplementation of Garlic Powder (0.0%). while the second and third were fed on a ration supplemented with Garlic Powder by (0.5%) & (1%) respectively. All treatments were applied beginning from one-day chicks old up to sixth week of age. The results showed that the supplementation of Garlic Powder (0.5%) and (1%) led to improve broiler performance: significantly increase (P<0.05) was noticed in final live body weight 5.12 % and 3.54%; weight gain 5.26 % and 3.62% respectively comparing with control, improve feed efficiency 7.57% and 8.86%, decrease feed consumption 2.69% and 5.54%.
A trial was carried out to study the possibility of using fenugreek powder in the treatment of diabetes type(2). 48 Newzealand white male rabbits ( five months old)were used in this experiment.Theexperimental animals were randomly divided into fo ur groups. By using Aloluxan, we enforced diabetes type2 in three of the four groups of the experimental animals. The animals of the fourth group remained as a natural healthy control.
Aiming to study the effect of propolis powder on some blood parameters of sheep, propolis powder was used in feeding of sheep by adding it in the form of dry powder . The research was carried out Syrian Awassi sheep which they are locally existed . Sheep were divided into four groups (control and three experiment groups) (2 , 3 , 4) k.g/100k.g diet of propolis powder were added to diets.
The research was conducted at the poultry farm in Kharabo, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University. 1080 chicks of Lohman hybrid, one day old, distributed randomly and equally into six different groups, G1….G6 (180 chicks/ group) with three re plicates in each group (60 chicks per replicate). Chicks in all groups were fattened for 42 days on Diets composed of vegetarian feeding stuffs, based on corn, soya bean meal and different additives. Chicks of G1 were fed on the main diet without adding iron or copper. The chicks in G2 and G3 were fed on the main diet mixed with 80 and 160 ppm of iron respectively. The vhicks of G4 were also fed on the main diet mixed with 8 ppm of copper. The Chicks of G5 and G6 were fed on the main diet mixed with iron and copper (80 and 8 ppm) and (160 and 8 ppm), respectively. Results demonstrated that adding iron and/or copper to the broiler diet was safe for chickens up to 42 days of age and did not affect significantly on carcass parameters. Supplementation of broiler diet with 8 ppm of copper was not associated with accumulation of copper in the tissues of liver, leg bone, breast, and thigh. Adding 80-160 ppm of iron to the broiler diets was not associated with high level of accumulation of iron in the tissues of breast and thigh but with high concentrations (p < 0.05) in the tissues of liver and leg bone.
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