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Design of Computer Programs for Reliability Evaluation of Syrian Electrical Distribution Networks

تصميم برامج حاسوبية لتقويم موثوقية شبكات التوزيع الكهربائية السورية

1201   0   115   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research presents software programs that have been designed in order to evaluate the reliability in electrical distribution networks, by calculating the reliability indices for 20 kV distribution feeders. It is the first study in this field for the distribution network in Syria. First of all, the mathematical models of reliability have been presented.

References used
R. Billinton and R.N. Allan, Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems. 2nded, New York: USAL Plennum Press, 1996
Lawton, L et al,"A framework and review of customer outage cost", Lawrance Berkley National Laboratory, LBNL-54365,Nov2003
Turan Gonen, "Electric Power Distribution System Engineering",2008
rate research

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The research is traduces the simulation techniques used for reliability evaluation in electrical networks. A program called Power Factory (DIgSILENT) has been used for this purpose. A part of the distribution network 20 kV of Damascus, has been cho sen in order to perform a reliability evaluation study. The input Data needed for electrical elements are quoted from the statistical data which are available at the public company for distribution of the electrical energy in Damascus. After performing the study, some of the reliability indices were calculated to give us, for the first time, an idea about the reliability situation of Syrian electrical distribution network. On the other hand, these results were compared to similar indices which are calculated at an European distribution network, and the difference has been shown. Suggestion of solutions to improve the reliability level is out of scope of this study, however a comparison between the actual state and SCADA supported state is applied on the studied network.
Reactive power compensation in distribution networks is one of the most important economic and environmental issues in power system studies. In this paper the following points are investigated: · The characteristics of the most developed equipment used for reactive power compensation. · Equations used in ETAP program calculation · OCP is part of ETAP program which gives us the possibility to determine optimal reactive power sizing and placement in distribution networks in order to achieve optimal Power loss and distribution power system enhancement. · ETAP program is applied on a part of Damascus suburb electrical network which was simulated by its real parameters and the positive economical and technical results have been clarified.
The purpose of this study is to define the reliability index for electrical power systems specifically and without using alot of data and treating processes. Results of this study is useful in electrical networks planning and design because of its technical and economical importance in the optimal choosing of networks elements and connections. In this research we use petri nets concept to represent electrical nets under studying then simulate the equivalent chart on GRIF program to find reliability degree for the system and its elements. This research includes comparing the suggested methodology to a reference net and then apply this method on electrical local network to discuss the results. It has been proved that petri nets are effective in reliability calculations with the best of simulation methods.
Kouttina is one of the most proper areas in Syria for building wind energy conversion system. This system could be coupled with Syrian electrical grid without expensive cost because of nearing from the grid. But the permanent changes of wind speed wi th no stable mode, cause different amplitude and frequency voltages differ from Syrian electrical grid amplitude and frequency. The goal of this research is to design proper wind energy conversion system for Kouttina area and control it, therefore we always obtain constant amplitude and frequency voltages equal to those of Syrian electrical grid for any wind speed and load. The proper wind turbine with its generator was chosen depending on parameters of probability mathematic function, called Wiebull Function. After that the proper control system was designed for equaling the amplitude and frequency of wind energy conversion system output with those of Syrian electrical grid. The buck -boost converter was controlled by proportional integral (PI) controller to always have DC output voltage equal to (622V). While the inverter controller was achieved by using two PI control loops, the outer loop for voltage control and the inner loop for current control. Though, three phase voltage with RMS phaser value of (220V) and frequency value of (50Hz) is achieved. To validated the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed system, it was modeled using MATLAB program. The results showed the system ability of obtaining voltage with constant amplitude and frequency and this values do not change with wind speed or load changes.
With the increasing use of technologies and automation in different sides of modern life, the outage of electricity became a big issue that widely affects the daily life of most sectors like industrial, economical or even entertaining sector. So it became so necessary to achieve a high-reliability electrical system to insure the continuation of electricity supply to the end consumer. Consequently, in this research, we are studying a new method of service restoration using genetic algorithms to increase the reliability of distribution systems and improving its performance. The research includes a brief aver view of electrical systems reliability and the basics of Genetic Algorithms and the use of these techniques in dispatching centers. In addition we have designed a program in "MATLAB" environment to apply the service restoration technique using genetic algorithms, and the program has been tested on a case study with the relative results shown .
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