أقرّ المشرع السوري حماية سرية المراسلات البريدية و الاتصالات السلكية و اللاسلكية كحق
دستوري و قانوني للإنسان، يعرب بموجبه صراحةً عن نيته في حماية خصوصياته و أسراره المعبرة
عن أفكاره و آرائه و حريته في التفكير و الاتصال و تبادل المعلومات، إلا أن هذا لا يعني أن حرية
الفرد في هذه السرية مطلقة، بل ترد عليها بعض القيود التي تجيز التنصت و المساس بها تحقيقاً
للعدالة و مصلحة المجتمع وفق ما قرره المشرع السوري في قانون أصول المحاكمات الجزائية،
كما تدخل المشرع السوري لتكريس حمايتها تارةً في مواجهة الأفراد العاديين، أو في مواجهة من
تسول له نفسه إفشائها من الموظفين العموميين تارةً أخرى، إلا أن المشرع السوري أغفل حماية
الوسيلة المستحدثة في الاتصال و هي البريد الإلكتروني الذي تتعرض المراسلات الخاصة عبره
لاعتداءات عديدة و التي تتطلب حماية فعّالة بتلافي الفراغ التشريعي.
Approved a Syrian legislator confidentiality of postal correspondence and
telecommunications protect the right constitutional and legal for a person,
expresses hereby expressly intention to protect his privacy and his secrets
expressing his thoughts and opinions, freedom of thinking, communication
and exchange of information, but this does not mean that the freedom of the
individual in this secret absolute, but are given by some of the restrictions that
allow eavesdropping and compromised in order to achieve justice and the
interests of society according to the decision of the Syrian legislature in the
Code of Criminal Procedure, as Syrian legislator intervened to devote their
protection sometimes in the face of ordinary people, or in the face of tempted
to disclosure of public officials at other times, but Syrian legislator omitted to
protect the means to contact an updated e-mail correspondence, which is
exposed through it for many attacks, which require effective protection
avoiding the legislative vacuum.
References used
(إبراهيم)، د. خالد ممدوح، 2010 حجية البريد الإلكتروني في الإثبات. دار الفكر الجامعي، الإسكندرية مصر.
(رمضان)، د. مدحت، 2000 جرائم التعدي على الأشخاص و الإنترنت. دار النهضة العربية، القاهرة مصر.
(الشهاوي)، د. محمد محمد الدسوقي، 2005 الحماية الجنائية لحرمة الحياة الخاصة. رسالة دكتوراه منشورة، جامعة القاهرة، مصر.
This research aims to show The extent of the protection afforded
by the European Convention on Human Rights concerning the
right to challenge the legality of detention, especially in light of
what Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
shows In this regard.
The constitutions of many countries of the world until recently included
traditional rights and freedoms, without paying attention to the
emergence of new rights imposed by human activities in his life, the
most important right to the environment, the right to the environment
was not among the constitutional rights mentioned, Its domestic
legislation on the occasion of its application to the laws of
environmental protection, but with the international and regional
attention to the right to the environment, many constitutions of
comparative countries have recently moved to recognize the principle of
the right of the individual in an appropriate environment.
this study dealt with right of silence and its compomemts in Syrian
law, by examining its concept and legal basis, befor talking about the way
of applied in different stages of the lawsuit and the consequences of
violating it, in accordance of the Syrian legislation.
This research aims to identify the reality of the right to play in the kindergarten of
Lattakia, and its importance from the viewpoint of the parameters, it aims also to identify
the differences in their views about the reality of the right to play
Ad-hoc networks has opened a new dimension in wireless networks. It allows
wireless communication in the absence of central support of the contract. In these
networks, there are no fixed infrastructure because the mobile nodes are continuously