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دراسة أولية للفطريات الجذرية (Mycorrhizas) في سورية

913   0   21   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 1999
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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عيطة سوسن، ١٩٩٦ : التلوث الصناعي في حوض بردى . رسالة ماجستير- قسم علم النبات - كلية العلوم - جامعة دمشق.
The structure and function of mycelial systems of ectomycorrhizal roots with special reference to their role in forming inter-plant connections and providing pathways for assimilate and water transport
rate research

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أصبحت أهمية الفطريات الجذرية الحويصلية الشجيرية (Mycorrhizas Arbuscular Vesicular) بالنسبة للنبات المضيف أمراً لا يقبل الجدل. و نظراً لأن مثل هذه الدراسات نادرة في سورية، فقد حاولنـا متابعة ما سبق من دراسات، فدرسنا الواقع الميكوريزي لـ 51 نوعاً نبا تياً ذات أهميةٍ اقتـصادية فـي مناطق و ترب مختلفة. و ركزنا في دراستنا على بعض النباتات المائية و المحبة للرطوبة التي يصعب فهـم أهمية مكرزتها، و على بعض النباتات البريوية و التريدية، و نباتات تعود للفصيلة الوزية و الملفوفية التـي مازال الشك كبيراً في إقامتها لمثل هذه العلاقة التعايشية، و حاولنا تفسير النتائج الملاحظة و مقارنتها بما توصل إليه باحثون آخرون.
According to the high specificity and sensitivity of ELISA test, we tried in this preliminary study, to certify the usefulness of ELISA test in the detection of specific antibodies (IgG) to cutaneous leishmaniasis(CL) in SYRIA, in order to certify the diagnosis of this disease by using the classic methods (observation microscopic – culture).
This study is considered a newly addition and continuous survey to Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes which are importance in Barada basin (Damascus district), it basically aims at knowing fungal biological communities at framework of biodiversity and ecological diversity in Syria. The study extended from ١٩٩٦ to ١٩٩٩ years. Researchers in this study confirm that there are representatives of ١٠ families out of which ١٦ genera has been specified which are distributed to ٢٦ species (٢٤ of them have been specified), and representatives of ١٣ families out of which ١٨ genera has been specified which are distributed to ٢٧ species. The places of spreading of each of them in its medium, most important characteristics, which allow to distinguish it have been referred to, as well as to the main practical importance, which describes it regarding the nutritive value or to do environmental roles.
A survey of the natural enemies of woolly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm.) was conducted in unsprayed orchards in the mountain region of Sweida, Syria. Twenty-six species were found, belonging to Coleoptera, Dermaptera, Diptera, Heteroptera , Neuroptera. Coccinella septempunctata L. was the most abundant predator at the beginning of the season. The coccinellid Oenopia conglobata (L.) occurred in less numbers and had a secondary importance. Predatory bugs had a high activity in summer. Also, the aphelinid parasite, Aphelinus mali (Haldeman), was observed with a high effectiveness at late summer and at the end of the growing season.
This search shows the lithological, petrographical and physical properties of the dam, and storage basin through rocks cors study taken from some wells in axis dam and storage lake and surface samples therefore have shaped unpenetration and penetra tion units. From this study discern reduction degree pored with rise positions deep far from range movement underground water and observed attachment pored grade cracs, Faults and karstic, Karstic discerned in positions (campanian, turounian) Increase Karstic caves in sinomanian positions from during tectonic cracs and naught being it in mastrichtian also action space in area dry weathering above level underground water because movement water across this cracs and vacuity. Positions geological divided in location which credence at pored to three straps (A, B, C): A)-Hard weathering strap Positions assimilate in this strap cracs dense rocks advance open cracs wobble between(3-5mm) and full of habit clay materials ,and compose dense weathering strap assimilate pored rocks and area the thick (3-6m).and advance removal it before starting in construction dam body because low resistance ,high cracs, capacity low load B) -Soft weathering strap Assimilate debris pile from split calcite rocks,and compose penetrating rocks. C) -Unpenetrating rocks strip Assimilate thick clay calcite positions from unpenetrating rocks.

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