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A Mathematical Model based on Multiple Regression Analysis method for the Valuation of Residential Real Estate in Damascus

نموذج رياضي مبني على تحليل الانحدار المتعدد لتقييم العقارات السكنية في دمشق

2741   5   71   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The real estate valuation is the process of estimating the real estate price based on the real estate description and property features . The aim of this research is to define the main variables and study their effects on defining the price of the residential real estates in Damascus, hence to build a mathematical model based on Multiple Regression Analysis method for the valuation of these Real Estates Data on 130 residential real estates in Damascus were collected and analyzed using the SPSS package . The Analyses have revealed that it is possible to rely on the Multiple Regression Analyses model to estimate the price of the real estate but only after defining and testing its shortcomings and transforming the model into Multiple – Non linear Regression model . This research concluded that the relationship between the price of the real estate and the studied variables is nonlinear .

References used
Allen, W. and Zumwalt,J. (1994)."Neural Networks: A Word of Caution", unpublished working paper, Colorado State University, 1994
Do, Q. and Grudnitski. G.(1992)." A Neural Network Approach to Residential Property Appraisal". Real Estate Appraiser, December 1992, pp 38–45
Dotzour, M. (2001(. “What Really Drives Residential Sales Volume?”. Texas REALTOR, August
rate research

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In this research ,we studied the problem of multicollinearity among independent variables in the multiple regression model this matter leads to a mistake in one of the essential conditions of the multiple regression model and getting incorrect res ults. At the beginning we have introduced documented theoretical study of the kinds of the multicollinearity and of the reasons of the problem of the multiple regression model and some methods to discover them. In addition to this we mentioned some methods that treat the cases of multiple regression model then we introduced a new method to treat multicollineartiy and apply it to an example . In this method we have dealt with multicollinearity on the hand and solved the problem of discrepancy between the significant of the regression model and the non-significant of one or more coefficient.
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Kiezdeutsch is a variety of German predominantly spoken by teenagers from multi-ethnic urban neighborhoods in casual conversations with their peers. In recent years, the popularity of Kiezdeutsch has increased among young people, independently of the ir socio-economic origin, and has spread in social media, too. While previous studies have extensively investigated this language variety from a linguistic and qualitative perspective, not much has been done from a quantitative point of view. We perform the first large-scale data-driven analysis of the lexical and morpho-syntactic properties of Kiezdeutsch in comparison with standard German. At the level of results, we confirm predictions of previous qualitative analyses and integrate them with further observations on specific linguistic phenomena such as slang and self-centered speaker attitude. At the methodological level, we provide logistic regression as a framework to perform bottom-up feature selection in order to quantify differences across language varieties.
Pushover method or method of nonlinear static analysis is considered the latest and best way to study and evaluate the buildings under effect of seismic load. The method is based on the study of deformation occurring in the building, formation of pl astic hinge in elements, in addition to the redistribution of internal forces in building elements under the effect of earthquake loads. Pushover method was applied to evaluate the Model of residential buildings in Latakia suburb Tabiyat, who has designed and implemented before the issuance of the code which earthquake load considered. First, the dynamic characteristics of the building (Period, and Mode shape) were identified in the cases of modeling 2D (plane) and 3D (spatial). Second, an analysis of the building under earthquake load by Pushover method depending on ETABS Program was conducted. We have got seven side cases push of the building, and have identified the location of plastic hinge in the building elements, and draw a curved capacity for the building, which represents the relationship between base shear force and lateral deflection at the top of the building. It was concluded that the building is a good resistance to the effect of earthquake. It was concluded with backing the adoption of Pushover method to evaluate existing buildings, and study the dynamic behavior, and the extent of resistance to the effect of earthquake.

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