تم تحليل 73 عينة مياه شرب من شبكة التوزيع العام في مدينة اللاذقية بهدف الكشف عن الجراثيم
غيريات التغذية و دراسة مقاومتها للكلورين و للصادات الحيوية. اختبرت حساسية الجراثيم المعزولة تجاه
عشرة صادات حيوية بطريقة التمديد في الآغار (طريقة MIC) و الصادات الحيويـة المـستخدمة هـي:
امبيسيللين، كلورامفينيكول، تتراسكلين، اميكاسـين، سيبروفلوكـساسين، سيفوتاكـسيم، جينتاميـسين،
اريثرومايسين، بيبراسيللين/ تازوباكتام، سيفالوتين.
تم عزل 133 سلالة جرثومية توزعت على الأجناس الجرثوميـة الآتيـة: زوائـف, ايرومونـاس,
اسينيتوباكتر، كروموباكتر، فلافوباكتر، ميتيلوباكتر. ترواح محتوى العينات من الكلورين المتبقـي بـين
1.0 ملغ/ل و 8.3 ملغ/ل. أظهر القسم الأعظم من الجراثيم المعزولة مقاومة مختبرية للكلورين بالإضـافة
إلى مقاومة مرتفعة للصادات الحيوية المستخدمة.
A total of 73 drinking water samples were collected from distribution
system in Lattakia city, the aim was to search for hetrotrophic bacteria and
investigate their resistance to chlorine and antibiotics. The antibiotic
susceptibility tests were: carried out by using agar dillution method (MIC) and
the antibiotics tested were: Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol, tetracycline,
Amikacin, Ciprofloxacin, Cefotaxim, Gentamicin, Erythromycin Piperacilin/
Tazobactam, and cephalothin.
A sum of 133 bacterial strains were isolated and included by five genera:
pseudomonas, acinetobacter, flavobacter, chromobacter, and methylobacter.
The samples content of residual chlorine were ranged between 0.1 to 3.8 mg/l.
The majority of bacterial strains isolated were resistance to chlorine. The
multiple antibiotic resistances were common amongst isolated bacterial strains.
References used
Aber, R. C., Wennersten, C., and Moellering, R. C. 1978. Antimicrobial susceptibility of flavobacteria. Antimicrob.Agents Chemother.14:483-487
Armstrong, J. L., Shigeno, D. S., Calomiris, J. J., and Seidler, R. J. 1981. antibiotic-resistant bacteria in drinking water.Appl.Environ.Microbiol.42(2): 277-283
Baumann, P. 1968. Isolation of Acinetobacter from soil and water. J. Bacteriology. 96: 39-42
Pathogenic germs have developed an increasing resistance toward many
antibiotics which form a true problem for human being ,because these germs can transport to him by
many ways such as water ,food and air that may cause many dangerous diseases to
Water sources in Syrian coastal area have a great importance due to the variety of the
sources and the urgent needs to water for drinking and irrigation. Therefore great efforts
are made to protect water sources from contaminants. This research aim
54 isolates were isolated of the bacteria associated with ear infections which
have antimicrobial resistance from the patients in the National Hospital in
Qamishly City during the period from 01/08/2008 to 31/10/ 2009. The number
of Pseudomonas ae
Fluoride ion is present in high concentration in some regions in Syria. As
fluoride occurs naturally in water, We have studied some methods of fluoride
removal such as Nalgonda technique and activated carbon method.
In Nalgonda technique we add Al
This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of anti-bacteria shown by the extracts prepared from
per carps of different types of Punica granatum ( L) ( from the family Punicaceae), which grow in Syria
against Escherichia coli (E.coli) biotype (1), which were resistant to studied antibiotics.