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الأجـور في المنشآت الاقتصاديـة السـعودية و مدى مسايرتها للتغيرات في تكاليف المعيشة

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 Publication date 2001
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Durbin, j and Watson G. S., “Testing for Serial Correlations in Least Squares Regression,” Biometsika, Vol. 38, 1951
Gordis, P., “How to Stay A head Financially,” New York,W. W. Norton, 1977
(International Labor Organization, World Labor Report, International Labor Office, Geneva, (1993-1995
rate research

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عرض Hughes and Banker عام (1994) الكفاية الاقتصادية لتكلفـة الوحـدة المنتجة على أساس النشاط العادي من أجل اتخاذ قرارات التسعير المثلى. و يعرض هذا البحث إلى إطار عمل رياضي خطي لنموذج المدير – الوكيل لتقديم تصـورات معينـة حول التطبيق العملي لتخصيص ا لتكاليف الغارقة للطاقة و التكـاليف المشـتركة علـى المنتجات المستفيدة من الموارد الأساسية تتفق و تحلـيلات Hughes and anker من خلال اختبار – في حال وجود تكاليف طاقة – إمكانية تحقيق العلاقة بين المشاركة في المخاطر و بين الحوافز عن طريق تعديل مقاييس الأداء التي بني عليها العقد. لـذا يتناول هذا البحث النموذج الرياضي الخطي المقترح و كيفية استخدامه في تخصـيص تكاليف الطاقة المستغلة و اشتقاق العقد لإظهار كيف تعكس تكاليف الطاقة في التعويض الأمثل، ثم استخراج الحل نفسه بشرط أن يكون أثر تكلفة الطاقة في تعويض الوكيـل من خلال القياس المحاسبي. و بطريقة مشابهة يعرض البحث إلى استخدام النموذج المقترح في تخصيص التكـاليف المشتركة مع التأكيد ختاماً على أن التخصيص الأمثل لتكاليف الطاقة تابع فقط للحجـم المخطط عندما يكون بالإمكان استخدام الطاقة لإنتاج منتج وحيد. كمـا أن التحلـيلات المتعلقة بالإنتاج المشترك تشير إلى ضرورة اعتماد التخصيص الأمثل في هذه الحالـة على القيم الحالية الصافية المقدرة للمنتجات المشتركة.
The end of the twentieth century witnessed increasing interest in environmental issues from governments around the world, accompanied by great interest from researchers in the subject of environmental management accounting (EMA).Some research on th e subject emphasized the importance and benefits gained from the measurement of environmental costs and the challenges associated with such measurement. However, research that tried to document the extent of using (EMA) techniques, and the barriers of such use, are scarce in the management accounting literature. This research explores the extent of adopting (EMA)techniques in a sample of Syrian firms, and the barriers of such adoption. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to (100) firms working in the costal area of Syria, of which (23) completed questionnaires were returned and interred into SPSS for statistical analysis. Sample size in the research is affected by the war in Syria that made most of the companies out of service. Results of this research showed that (70%) of the participating firms reported usageof (EMA) techniques.However results of Binomial test showed that this proportion is insignificant at 5% significance level. It was found also that a significant proportion (83%) of the firms in the sample measure environmental treatment costs for the internal usage, while insignificant proportions (61%, and 65% respectively) measure prevention and environmental management costs, and the value of wasted material purchased. Significant barriers for not using (EMA) techniques, reported by respondents, include: difficulty of the monetary measurement of environmental costs, the absence of a unified guide of environmental cost measurement at the level of industry, and the lack of knowledge by management on (EMA).
Vulnerability assessment of freshwater resources in the Orontes basin was estimated in the provinces of Homs, Hama and Idlib to better understand the current situation of water under the prevailing conditions and to identify the most prominent fac tors that influence water susceptibility to environmental changes. This study helps decision-makers in evaluating and modify existing policies and implementing suitable measures to improve water resource management.
This study concentrates on two basic problems:i)- Increasing of power efficiency in Industrial premises to reduce the energy needed for product unit without any impact on the production level . To achieve this goal, lighting system should be opera ted in a certain condition, capacitor banks for power factor improvement should be installed, and energy losses of distribution transformers should be reduced.
The cherry fruit is classified to be after the apple fruit according to its economic importance and the cherry tree is firstly considered economically important due to its continuous and plentiful bearing if it’s provided with all requirements and techniques for the suitable agriculture and its needs from irritation and fertilizer are medium. The aim of the research was to study the costs of production cherry with a comparison between some economic indicators for each of the cherry rainfed and irrigated cherry. Results showed that the cost of one hectare from irrigated cherry was higher by about 3 times than the cost of one hectare of rainfed due to the raise in the cost of irrigation. The study also showed that the profits of the irrigated profits exceeded that of the rainfed cherry by about 2 times since the productivity of the irrigated hectare is two folds more than the productivity of the rainfed hectare. It was also shown that the effect of variable time on the space was positive, changes in the spaces resulting from the effect of time was 95%, while the effect of time on both the production and the yield was negative. The relationship between time and all of the production and yields was weak (8%).
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