تم الحصول على 25 عـزلة من بكتـيريا حمض اللبن من مصادر غذائية متنوعة شـملت منتجـات
ألبان و مخللات و عينة نباتية مجففة. و جرى تعرفها استناداً إلى الخصائص المشتـركة لبكتيـريا حمـض
اللبن. و تبين بالفحص المجهري أن 23 عـزلة منهاهي بكتـيريا عـصوية و عـزلتين فقط هي بكتـيريا
كروية. و قد تم التحـري عن امتلاك هذه العزلات للنشاط الحيوي ضد أنواع ممرضة من البكتيريا موجبـة
غــرام (aureus Staphylococcus) و أخــرى ســالبة غــرام (pneumoniae Klebsiella
و coli Escherichia) ، و تبين أن 15 عزلة منها تملك فعالية حيوية مثبطـة لنمـو كـلً مـن الأنـواع
الممرضة الثلاثة المختبرة. و أظهـرت النتائج امتلاك كلّ من العـزلتين CP46 و CP50 أعلـى فعاليـة
حيوية مثبطة لنمو بكتيريا الاختبار. صنفت العزلات ذات الفعالية الحيويـة باسـتعمال تـقـــنية API
50 CHL ، و تبين أن 14 منها تتبع النوع plantarum Lactobacillus في حين تتبع عزلة واحدة إلى
النوع L.fermentum.
This study was conducted at the laboratory of Food Science Department,
Agriculture College, Damascus University to isolate and characterize of
Lactobacilli bacteria from some Syrian foods and detection the effectiveness of
anti-pathogenic bacterial growth. Lactic acid bacteria from different dairy
products, pickles and dried plant samples were isolated and identified
according to common characteristics. Results showed that twenty-three isolates
were rods while only 2 of the them were coccid. These isolates were tested for
their antimicrobial effect against pathogenic bacteria for both gram positive
bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram negative bacteria (Klebsiella
pneumonia and Escherichia coli). Fifteen isolates demonstrated antimicrobial
effect against the three tested bacteria, of which CP50 and CP46 isolates
showed the best antimicrobial effect. Results of the standard physiological and
biochemical tests identified fourteen isolates as Lactobacillus plantarum and one
isolate as Lactobacillus fermentum.
References used
Adenike, A. O., A. Mopelola and J. Adeleye 2007. In vitro antimicrobial characteristics of bacteriocinproducing Lactobacillus strains from Nigerian indigenous fermented foods. Afri. J. Biotechno., 6 (4):445-453
Ananou, R. C., S. Ananou, M. Maqueda, M. Martínez-Bueno and E. Valdivia. 2007. Bio - preservation, an ecological approach to improve the safety and shelf-life of foods. Communicating Current Research and Educational Topics and Trends in Applied Microbiology, Pp: 475-486
Atrih, A., N. Rekhif, J. P. Milliere and G. Lefebvre. 1993 Detection and characterization of a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum C19. Can. J. Microbiol., 39, 1173–1179
Total of 33 isolates of lactic acid bacteria from different
samples (Dairy products, Pickles), were isolated and identified
according to the common characteristics of lactic acid bacteria.
Twinty-five isolates were rods and 9 were cocci.
This research was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of
Food Science laboratories to isolate lactic acid bacteria from some Syrian milk
products (milk, yogurt, cheese) and determine some morphological,
physiological characteristic and the ability of these isolates to ferment sugars.
This research was conducted in the Agriculture Faculty- Food Science
Department, Damascus University, for detecting Lactic acid bacteria isolated
from Syrian dairy products (white fresh cheese-Leben), Samples were collected
from August, 2004 to Oc
Sixty yeasts spp. were isolated from samples of whey which collected from
different locations in Syria. These yeasts were classified morphologically
according to Barnett’s and physiologically by API technique to identify the
species of Yeasts, whe
أجري هذا البحث في مخابر كلية الزراعة بجامعة الفرات قسم علوم الأغذية وفي مخابر هيئة الطاقة الذرية بدمشق وقد هدف إلى عزل وتعريف بعض سلالات بكتريا حمض اللبن من الحليب الخام للنوق والماعز الشامي بالإضافة إلى دراسة بعض الخصائص الكيميائية والتصنيعية للسلالات المعزولة وذلك في عامي ( 2010و 2011)