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أثر أسلوب تصحيح التعبير التحريري في تحسين الأداء التعبيري لطلبة المرحلة الثانوية في مديرية تربية قصبة المفرق

1082   1   9   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2005
  fields Education
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Brothers , E.S. The Effect of Three Types of Teacher Evaluation of The Compostions of College Freshmen , In Dissertations Abstract International , vol , 4 , No , 3 , Sept. 1979
الخمايسة، إياد محمد خير إبراهيم، بناء برنامج تعليمي مقترح لتنمية مهارات التعبير الكتابي لدى طلبة الصف السادس الأساسي في المدارس العامة في الأردن، أطروحة دكتوراه غير منشورة، جامعة عمان العربية،عمان، الأردن، 2004 م.
خمايسه، محمد خير إبراهيم، أثر تزويد تلاميذ الصف الثالث الإعدادي بمهارات التعبير الكتابية في قدراتهم التعبيرية الكتابية، رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة، جامعة اليرموك، اربد، الأردن، 1988 م.
rate research

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The study aimed at recognizing the patterns of the class control which are applied by teachers to master class disciplinary in the Educational Directorate in Mafraq Governorate from the point of view of the teachers. It also aimed at recognizing t he effect of those independent variables: sex, the stage which a teacher teaches, teacher’s scientific qualification and years of experience. The sample of the study consisted of (210) teachers chosen randomly. The two researchers used an instrument for measuring the degree of application of the class disciplinary patterns. The instrument consists of (35) items which cover three class disciplinary patterns: preventive pattern, abusive pattern and mastery pattern.
The aim of this study was to identify the degree of effectiveness of the performance of the secondary school principals in the Directorate of Education in the province of Damascus from the point of view of teachers. To achieve the goal of the study, a tool consisting of (44) items has been developed and distributed on six areas. The veracity of the tool and its persistence has also been ascertained and applied on a random sample consisting of (236) male and female teachers working in the official schools of the Directorate of Education located in the province of Damascus. The collected data has been analyzed by extracting the arithmetic means, the standard deviations, the analysis of variance, and the post hoc Tukey's test. The results showed that the effectiveness degree of performance of the managers of the secondary schools has recorded an average rate according to the teachers. Whereas, the effectiveness degree of the recruitment technology, school climate, and planning has been high. The effectiveness degree of performance, concerning school tests, academic achievements, leadership, has achieved an average rate. The findings have indicated no statistically significant differences attributable to the independent variables at the function (0.05) on the different fields of the study except of the variable experience degree of school tests. The differences have been in favor of those who have an experience of less than 5 years. A number of statistically significant differences have been detected and which have resulted from the interaction between gender type and the academic qualification within the realm of academic attainment. The differences have been in favor of males holding BA degrees along with those working in different fields such as, recruitment of technology, school climate, and school tests. The differences have been in favor of females holding degrees of intermediate institutes.
The purpose of this study was to explore the role of Educational supervisors in developing professional performance of social studies teachers in the Directorate of Education in the north-west Badia in Mafraq Governorate, Jordan. To achieve the ob jectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed consisting of (43) items divided into five domains, which was distributed to (99) teachers (male and female).
The research aims mainly to study the method of Benchmarking and the possibility of its usage in the Syrian banks, and to figure out any obstacles for such application therefore finding the right solutions, and for this goal the researcher did the following, Conduction of an extensive theoretical study.
The present study aimed at revealing The influence of the pressing events on families during the current crises in Syrian and the emergence of neuroticism between a high school students in Homs . The sample of study consists of 200 students . The researcher has used the following tools: The test of present events on families during the current crises in Syrian, and the scale of neuroticism from the junior Eysenck personality.

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