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Evaluation of the performance of some barley (Hordeumvulgare) genotypes under rainfed conditions

تقييم أداء بعض الطرز الوراثية من الشعير (.L Hordeumvulgare) تحت ظروف الزراعة المطرية

1509   0   44   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Field Crops
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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A field experiment was conducted at two environmentally different locations (Damascus and Dara'a), to evaluate the performance of 16 barley genotypes under rainfed conditions during the growing season of 2011-2012 in order to study in the response of some quantitative traits and determine the yield under drought conditions. The experiment was laid out according to the factorial complete randomized block design with three replicates for each genotype. Significant genetic variation was found in the response of barley genotypes to water stress. The performance of all genotypes was significantly superior in the less dry region (Izra’a-Daraa) compared to the more dry one (Abo jarash- Damascus) for all the examined parameters. Results revealed that the number of grains per spike was significantly higher in most lines compared to Arabi Abiad and Arabi Aswad, and the number of grains per spike was significantly higher in the line29 (43.17 grain per spike). The number of grains per m2 was significantly higher in line29,line64, Arabi Abiad and line14 (11177, 10809, 10802, 10744 grains per m2), respectively. The mean grain yield was significantly higher in the line64, line14 and Arabi Abiad. (479.3, 476 and 443 gram per m-2), respectively. Harvest index was significantly higher in all lines compared to Arabi Abiad and Arabi Aswad.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم أداء 16 طرازًا وراثيًا من الشعير تحت ظروف الزراعة المطرية في منطقتي دمشق ودرعا خلال الموسم الزراعي 2011-2012. استخدمت الدراسة تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة مع ثلاثة مكررات لكل طراز وراثي. أظهرت النتائج وجود اختلافات معنوية في استجابة الطرز الوراثية للإجهاد المائي، حيث كان الأداء أفضل في منطقة درعا الأقل جفافًا مقارنة بمنطقة دمشق الأكثر جفافًا. تفوقت معظم السلالات المدروسة على الصنفين المعتمدين عربي أبيض وعربي أسود في متوسط عدد الحبوب في السنبلة، حيث سجلت السلالة 29 أعلى عدد حبوب في السنبلة (43.17 حبة). كما أظهرت السلالة 29 أيضًا أعلى متوسط لعدد الحبوب في المتر المربع (11177 حبة م²). كانت الغلة الحبية الأعلى معنويًا لدى السلالة 64 (479.3 غرام م²). أظهرت الدراسة أهمية السلالتين 64 و14 كمادة وراثية لتحمل الجفاف مع الحفاظ على كفاءة الإنتاجية، وأشارت إلى أن الغلة الحبية تتحدد بعدد الحبوب في وحدة المساحة، مما يعزز أهمية تحسين هذه الصفة في برامج التربية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة في فهم تأثير الإجهاد المائي على إنتاجية الشعير في ظروف الزراعة المطرية، وقد أظهرت نتائج مفيدة حول أداء الطرز الوراثية المختلفة. ومع ذلك، كان من الممكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال تضمين المزيد من المواقع البيئية المختلفة لزيادة تعميم النتائج. كما أن الدراسة ركزت بشكل كبير على الصفات الكمية دون التطرق بشكل كافٍ للصفات النوعية التي قد تكون مهمة أيضًا في تقييم الأداء الكلي للطرز الوراثية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن استخدام تقنيات تحليلية أكثر تقدمًا لتحليل البيانات بشكل أعمق.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة هو تقييم أداء 16 طرازًا وراثيًا من الشعير تحت ظروف الزراعة المطرية في منطقتي دمشق ودرعا خلال الموسم الزراعي 2011-2012.

  2. ما هي الطرز الوراثية التي أظهرت أفضل أداء في الدراسة؟

    أظهرت السلالتان 64 و14 أفضل أداء في الدراسة، حيث سجلت السلالة 64 أعلى غلة حبية (479.3 غرام م²) والسلالة 14 أظهرت أداءً جيدًا أيضًا.

  3. ما هي الفروقات البيئية بين منطقتي الدراسة؟

    منطقة درعا كانت أقل جفافًا مقارنة بمنطقة دمشق، حيث كانت الهطولات المطرية ودرجات الحرارة مختلفة بين المنطقتين خلال الموسم الزراعي.

  4. ما هي الصفات التي تم قياسها في الدراسة لتقييم أداء الطرز الوراثية؟

    تم قياس عدة صفات منها نسبة الإشطاءات المثمرة إلى الكلية، متوسط عدد الحبوب في السنبلة، متوسط عدد الحبوب في المتر المربع، متوسط وزن الألف حبة، الغلة البيولوجية، الغلة الحبية، ودليل الحصاد.

References used
Abeledo, L. G., D. F. Calderini, and G. A. Slafer. 2002. physiological changes associated with genetic improvement of grain yield in barley. In: “Barley science: recent advances from molecular biology to agronomy of yield and quality” G. A. Slafer, J. L. Molin-Cano, R. Savin, J. L. Araus, I. Romagosa (eds.) Haworth, New York, pp 361–386
Blum, A. 1983. Breeding programs improving drought resistance to water stress. In C. D. Jr, Raper and P.J. Kramer (eds.), Crop reaction to water and temperature stresses in humid, temperate climates. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, USA, pp. 263-275
Bouzerzour, M. and A. Ben Mahamed. 1991. Correlation and regression studies of barley in eastern Algeria. Rachis 10 (2) :35-36
rate research

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The performance of some barley genotypes was evaluated under rain-fed conditions in Dara'a (Izra'a) during two successive growing seasons (2009-2010/ 2010-2011) in order to determine the most relevant physiological traits, which are genetically as sociated with drought tolerance and grain yield. The trial was laid out according to the factorial complete randomized block design, with three replicates. The leaf area index (LAI) was significantly lower in the wild relatives compared with the varieties and land races. Relative water content was significantly higher during the second growing season (87.19%) compared with the first one (71.57%). Solute leakage was significantly lower during the second growing season (69.50%) compared with the first growing season (76.49%). It was noticed that the genotypes which have achieved significantly higher grain yields, could also maintain significantly higher relative water content in the leaves, (Acsad176, Acsad1182 and Acsad60), and were superior in maintaining membrane integrity, and leaf area index, indicating the importance of such traits in improving drought tolerance and maintaining production capacity.
The research was conducted at Abo-Jarash farm, faculty of agriculture, Damascus university during the two growing season 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 in order to evaluate genetic variability of some lentils genotypes based on some physiological and productivity traits associated with drought tolerance. The experiment was laid out according to factorial randomized complete block design with three replications.
This research was conducted in Abo Jarash farm (College of Agriculture, Damascus University) in 2009/2010. Fifteen strains of durum wheat contrived by ACSAD and ICARDA were studied, the productivity and its main components were compared with four certified varieties of durum wheat in Syria. The experiment was designed in complete randomized block design with three replicants. The results showed the presence of significant differences between the strains in most of the studied traits, and the strains derived from ACSAD were featured in the performance under the experiment condition. And those strains were characterized by the early heading, and maturity comparing with the wildly cultivated varieties in Syria and some of them were super or in grain production as Acsad 1311, Acsad 1327, Acsad 357(3648.36, 2988.75, 2884.80 kg/ha). The results confirmed the importance of the some components of productivity, weight of thousand grain, number of spikes, And plant length which were correlated positively with the productivity in unit area.
This cultivation was carried out in the farm of the Faculty of Agriculture at Damascus University during the 2013-2014 agricultural season to study the effect of seeding rate per unit area and planting dates on yield and its components for three barley genotypes under rain-fed conditions.
In Syria, Barley is grown under rainfed conditions in areas receive less than 300mm (zones: 2, 3 and 4), which is characterized by limited water availability and large year to year variability in both total rainfall and distribution . A biotic stre sses such as drought, cold, heat , salinity and biotic stresses in addition to low soil fertility and the traditional methods in agriculture production are the limiting factors for barley productivity in Syria. In these agro-climatic environments, landraces and their wild relatives are considered to be very useful as main sources of genetic materials in breeding programs, also its widely recognized that these materials could be an important source of useful genetic variation. A study of the genetic structure of landraces may explain to what extent their adaptation to harsh environments is associated with remote or continuous introgression of H. spontaneum, and hence indicates an additional avenue to improve barley yield and its stability in dry areas. The ability of pure lines to sustain yield and stability in dry areas highly correlated with its heterogeneity. and the mixture of several lines gave higher productivity than the pure line Arabi asswad. The objectives of this work were to study the relationships between the genotype and environment interaction, to evaluate and compare the performance of number of populations and barleymixtures with pure barley lines under rainfed conditions (Zone2) in Tel Hadya Research Station (35 Km South of Aleppo city). The study also aimed to investigate the population dynamic behavior of three pure lines of barley in pure stands and in mixtures, each pure line being selected from landraces of three climatically/ ecologically different regions in Syria and Jordan. The results showed that, in spit of the narrow genetic variation between the experimental materials, the variations were very wide and obvious for most of the studid characteristics, mainly on grain yield (3.25-5.17 ton/ha) and biological yield 7.4 – 11.9. The variation was due to highly productive tillers, 1000 kernel weight and grain size as well as the morphological and phenological characteristics. The environmental conditions during the three seasons did not allow the evaluation of the reaction of the Mixtures and Populations even though mixture 2, which consists of 1: 2: 1 of zanbaka, Arta and Wadi Al-Hassa showed a very good performance in grain yield, biological yield and many other characteristics such as grain weight, harvest index, threshing percentage, grain number and grain weight. It is expected that pure lines will perform better in favorable and stable conditions and mixtures and some populations will play a very important role under stressed environments.
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