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Methods of coping psychological vocational stress and their Relations with some variables "A field study of a sample of workers at AlKadam glass factory in Damascus"

أساليب مواجهة الضغوط النفسية المهنية و علاقتها ببعض المتغيرات "دراسة ميدانية على عينة من العاملين بمصنع زجاج القدم بدمشق"

1730   4   45   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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- This study aims to find out the methods which workers have to cope psychological pressure to which they expose and know whether there were statistically differences in coping pressure which due to the variables of the study: Qualification, years of experience, workers ages at Al-Kadam glass factory. - This study applied on /200/ workers who were selected randomly.

References used
Atwater ,vot ,E ,(1990 ): psychologe of Adljustemeut :personal Growth in changing world ,New York ,cliffs prentice – hall ,pp.109-116
Bianchi ,E . (2004): stress and coping Among Cardiovascular Nurses :A Survey in Brazil .Issues in Mental Health Nursing ,Vol (25), No (7) p.p:737-745
Charles .D .(1966): Anxiety in Behaviour – Aeademic . press

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Abstract This study aimed at testing the significant differences in exposing to work accidents among workers according to some variables which are (age differences, professional age, educational differences, the level of work danger).The sample o f the study consisted of 200 workers, 120 of them were exposed to work damages, and 80 workers were not exposed to work damages, this sample has been chosen from Banyas petrol company.
The study aims to identify the psychological pressures faced by adolescents with type (A) diabetes and its relationship to some variables. The study was intentionally conducted on an age group (16-18) years, where the sample consisted of (50) teena gers with diabetes type (A) (25 males, 25 females). A questionnaire of (30) items on psychological pressures was used to. It was designed on the form of an event which the teenager faces and suffers from a psychological pressure (prepared by the researcher). Indications of true content were extracted by showing it to a number of arbitrators. The stability of the questionnaire was proved by way of retail midterm where the Spearman reliability coefficient-Brown reached (0.82) and Guttman coefficient reached (0.82). These results indicate that the measure is consistently high, which makes it fit for use. The results showed that adolescents with diabetes type(A) are under high stress. Moreover, the existence of a relationship between the psychological pressures and entering the hospital. The more the times of entering the hospital, the higher the psychological pressure is. The females are subjected to psychological pressures more than males, but the statistical analysis did not show statistically significant relationship between pressure sand age at diagnosis.
The objective of this research is to find out the relationship between psychological pressure and mental toughness, and to find out the differences in these variables regarding the income and academic qualification of people who suffer from diabetes (A) in Lattakia Province. The study sample consisted of (750) diabetics, (416) males and (334) females. The ages ranged between 15 and 60 years with an average of 35 years. For this purpose, the researcher used psychological pressures scale and mental toughness scale, where their psychometric characteristics were identified through an empirical sample. The research yielded the following results: There is a statistically significant positive relationship between psychological pressure and mental toughness in the research sample. There are statistically significant differences at the indication level (0.05) between the average scores of the answers of the members of the research sample on the psychological pressure scale and mental toughness scale depending on the research's two variables: (level of income, academic qualification).
This study aimed to identify the professional psychological pressures on a sample of nurses who are working in Al-assad University Hospital according to the variables (gender, marital status).The sample consistes of (120) nurses of various department s in the hospital. The researcher has done a questionair of the pressure professional psychological, the study concluded to the following results: -About (64.59) of the nurses have shown high levels of psychological stress. What comes first to the surface is the financial issues, then comes the work environment dimension and the psychological dimension. -The study showed that there were statistical significant differencesin favor of femalescocerningthe psychological dimension, and towardmales inthe dimension of the relationship with doctors as we the financialdimension. -The study showed that there were statistical significant differencesconcerning professional psychological pressures. These differences were related to the psychological dimension and in favor of unmarried people only.
This study aims to: 1- Know the relationship between the crisis psychological hardness and identity crisis at a sample of Damascus University Students. 2- Check for differences in both psychological hardness and identity crisis, due to variables (gender-Class). Approach of the study: The Comparative correlation descriptive approach. And the sample of the study consists of (255) students from the Damascus University Students (144male, 111female) and they have been selected randomly. The researcher used Statistical methods: Pearson correlation, T.test. And the Results of the study were as follows: 1- There is no relationship statistically significant correlation between the degree of high school students on the scale of Psychological hardness and grades on a scale of identity crisis. 2- There are no significant statistical differences between mean scores of high school students on scale Psychological hardness due to the variable (gender). 3- There are significant statistical differences between mean scores of high school students on scale Psychological hardness due to the variable (Class). 4- There are significant statistical differences between mean scores of high school students on scale identity crisis due to the variable (gender). 5- There are no significant statistical differences between mean scores of high school students on scale identity crisis due to the variable (Class).
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