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البنية التركيبية و دلالتها في قصيدة "ياعرب" لهلال السيبابي

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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جان كوهين بنية اللغة الشعرية
حسان تمام اللغة العربية معناها و مبناها عالم الكتب القاهرة ط4, 2004 م
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The available seismic data of Mamlaht Al-Kom field were reinterpreted in order to define some petroleum potential reflections. The study focused on Korushina Dolomite (K.D) reflector because of its properties that indicate α hydrocarbon potential. Therefore the time map of this formation was canstructed, structure was defined and the hydrocarbon potential is discussed. According to the obtained data, we ensure the presence hydrocarbon potential of the K. D formation, because of its suitable thickness, availability of cover, and the source rocks. These results should be verified by a 3D surveys and then drilling operations.
In his poem "Torture of AL_ Hallag", AL_Bayati tries to benefit of the narrative techniques since they are not only characteristic of the novel, but of lingual discovers in general, and a system of lingual practice which we can notice in many ling ual genres. Using narrative techniques in poems appears through narrative tyres because a poem maintains its basis of harmony, description , imagination and so on . These techniques in the text tend to more to the dramatic feature, in which, voices and characters vary, and the narrative feature appears to be a standard on which the poet constructs his text, and derives his ideas and visions . He gets benefits of historic events through their existence in order to fulfill creative writing , which in turn, produces real verse which intensities, the narrative in a way that suits the poetic students . Through this , the narrative structures contributes to building the poetic text but do not totally affects them nor appear in a clear from which undermine the poem . This means, it comes through the necessary elements which contribute and fortify the poem's creativity , and elevate it twards a space of beauty which might be more open to other types of discourse .
يعالج البحث تقنية القناع في قصيدة "رحلة المتنبي إلى مصر" لمحمود درويش، إذ ُتعد القصيدة الأولى التي يستخدم فيها الشاعر تقنية القناع. و يتناول البحث توظيف القناع ضمن أربعة محاور: المونولوج الدرامي، و الوجه و القناع، و زحرحة القناع، و العنصر الدرامي و العنصر القصصي. و علاقة هذه المحاور بحركة القصيدة و أبعادها الدلالية، و مدى نجاح الشاعر في توظيفها.
The research purpose is to study the issue of Al Quds in Nezar Kabane poetry to light the position of Al-Quds poem in his thought and art. The paper also discusses many opinions for different researchers who didn't talk about the poem itself directly to enrich the research and distinct the value of the poem which specifically talks about Al –Quds.
تنهض هذه الدراسة باستجلاء ظاهرة أسلوبية تتمثل في ظاهرة الانزياح التركيبي، و ذلك من خلال نص شعري حديث، لأدونيس، و قد وقفت الدراسة على بعض مظاهر الانزياح التركيبي في القصيدة و هي: -1 التقديم و التأخير. -2 الحذف. -3 الالتفات. -4 الفصل. و قد خرجت الدراسة بنتيجة مؤداها، أن للانزياح التركيبي أثرًا مهمًا في الارتقاء بالقصيدة جماليًا، و الإسهام في تقديمها رؤية و تشكيلا، و إحداث تنوع دلالي كبير.
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