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Factors affecting the adjusted 305-day milk yield in Holstein Friesian cattle at Kharabo Dairy Farm

العوامل المؤثرة في إنتاج الحليب المعدل على أساس 305 أيام عند بقر الهولشتاين فريزيان في مزرعة خرابو

2097   2   52   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study was conducted at Kharabo dairy station belongs to the Faculty of Agriculture، University of Damascus. 692 productive records for 269 Holstein Friesian cattle were used to study the effects of calving year, age at first calving، calving season and parity on the adjusted 305-day milk yield. Data were exposed to GLM, analysis of variance was applied to determine the effect of studied factors and differences between averages were compared according to Duncan test using SPPS 17. The overall mean for (305-d milk) was 6222.6 ± 62.01 kg. and affected significantly (P < 0.001) by calving year and parity and (P<0.05) by age at first calving. No significant effect for season was observed. Results suggested that better management practices and improving the feeding status might help increasing the 305-d milk and making the status more economic efficient in the dairy cattle at Kharabo Farm.

References used
Ajili, N., B. Rekik, A. B. Ben Gara and R. Bouraoui. 2007. Relationships among milk production, reproductive traits and herd life for Tunisian Holstein- Friesian cows. Afr. J. Agric.Res. 2: 47-51
Akcay, H., M. Ilaslan and A. Koc. 2007. Effects of calving season on milk yield of Holstein cows raised at Dalaman State Farm in Turkey. Adu Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi., 4(1-2) :59 – 61
Amasaib, E. O., H. E. Mohamed and A. N. M. A. Fadel Elseed. 2008. Lactation length and lactation milk yield in cattle in Sudan. Research. J. Dairy Sci., 2(1):1-4

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
أجريت الدراسة في مزرعة خرابو التابعة لكلية الزراعة بجامعة دمشق، حيث تم تحليل 692 سجلاً إنتاجياً لـ 269 بقرة هولشتاين فريزيان خلال الفترة من 1982 إلى 2008. هدفت الدراسة إلى تحديد متوسط إنتاج الحليب المعدل على أساس 305 أيام ودراسة تأثير سنة الولادة، العمر عند أول ولادة، فصل الولادة، وموسم الإنتاج على هذا المؤشر الإنتاجي. تم تحليل البيانات باستخدام النموذج الخطي العام وتحليل التباين، وأظهرت النتائج تأثيراً معنوياً لسنة الولادة وموسم الإنتاج على إنتاج الحليب المعدل، بينما كان التأثير أقل للعمر عند أول ولادة ولم يكن لفصل الولادة أي تأثير معنوي. بلغ المتوسط العام لإنتاج الحليب المعدل 6222.6 ± 62.01 كغ. وأشارت النتائج إلى أن تحسين الممارسات الإدارية وظروف الرعاية والتغذية يمكن أن يزيد من كمية الحليب المنتجة ويقلل من تأثير سنوات الولادة على الإنتاج، مما ينعكس إيجاباً على الأداء الإنتاجي والاقتصادي للمزرعة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لفهم العوامل المؤثرة على إنتاج الحليب المعدل في بقر الهولشتاين فريزيان في بيئة محلية. ومع ذلك، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال تضمين المزيد من المتغيرات البيئية مثل نوعية الأعلاف وتوافر المياه وتأثير الأمراض. كما أن الدراسة قد تكون أكثر شمولاً إذا تم تضمين مقارنات مع مزارع أخرى في مناطق مختلفة من البلاد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تكون النتائج أكثر دقة إذا تم استخدام تقنيات تحليلية أكثر تقدماً مثل النماذج المختلطة التي تأخذ في الاعتبار التأثيرات العشوائية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو تحديد متوسط إنتاج الحليب المعدل على أساس 305 أيام ودراسة تأثير سنة الولادة، العمر عند أول ولادة، فصل الولادة، وموسم الإنتاج على هذا المؤشر الإنتاجي.

  2. ما هي العوامل التي أظهرت تأثيراً معنوياً على إنتاج الحليب المعدل؟

    أظهرت النتائج تأثيراً معنوياً لسنة الولادة وموسم الإنتاج على إنتاج الحليب المعدل، بينما كان التأثير أقل للعمر عند أول ولادة ولم يكن لفصل الولادة أي تأثير معنوي.

  3. ما هو المتوسط العام لإنتاج الحليب المعدل في الدراسة؟

    بلغ المتوسط العام لإنتاج الحليب المعدل 6222.6 ± 62.01 كغ.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة لتحسين إنتاج الحليب؟

    أوصت الدراسة بتحسين الممارسات الإدارية وظروف الرعاية والتغذية لزيادة كمية الحليب المنتجة وتقليل تأثير سنوات الولادة على الإنتاج.

rate research

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This study was conducted at Kharabo Dairy Station belongs to the Faculty of agriculture, University of Damascus. 553 records for 206 Holstein Friesian cattle were used to study factors affecting the calving interval during 1982 to 2007. Data were exposed eccording to GLM, and analysis of variance was used to determine the calving interval (CI) and the effect of calving year, calving season, parity and interactions on the calving interval, and Duncan test was used to compare means by SPSS program. The overall mean for (CI) was 459.12±4.90 days. and affected significantly (0.001>P) by calving year, but there was no significant effect for calving season, parity and interactions between studied factors on the calving interval. These results suggested that better management, and applaying more efficient administration practices as well as to improving the feeding status may reduce calving interval to typical period of 365 days and increase reproductive and economic efficiency of dairy cattle at Kharabo station.
This study was conducted at Fedio Dairy Station using 2189 records for 790 Holstein cattle to study the effect of frozen–thawed bull semen, inseminator, calving year (CY), calving season (CS) and parity (P) on the number of services per conception (S/C). Data were obtained between the period 2003 and 2013 and evaluated according to GLM procedure (SAS 9). Analysis of variance was used to determine the effect of studied factors on S/C.
This study was conducted at fedio dairy station belongs to the General organization for cattle in Lattakia.. A total of 2534 production records of 1771 Holstein cattle were used to study factors affecting the Days open (DO) during 1990 to 2013, and to study the effects of calving year, calving season, parity and interactions between studied factors on this trait. Data were analyzed by the Least Square Means, and Duncan test was used to compare means by SAS 9 program. The overall mean for Days Open (DO) was 150.23 ± 1.44 days. and affected significantly (P< .0..1) by calving year, calving season, parity and interaction (calving year × calving season), (calving year × calving season) and (P<.0.5 ) by interaction (calving year × calving season × parity) on the Days Open, but there was no significant effect for interaction (calving year × parity). Results suggested that better management, and improving the feeding status may reduce Days Open to typical period (60 - 90 days), reduce interval calving, to get calf every year, and increase reproductive and economic efficiency of dairy cattle at fedio station.
This study conducted at Deir Al-Hajar Station during the season 2010-2011 to describe the lactation curve of Shami cattle and determine factors affecting its shape compenents. 1120 records of 356 Shami cows collected between 1997 – 2010 were used. Data were subjected to general linear model, and the analysis of variance used to determine the effect of factors. Duncan test was used to compare the means using SAS system (1996) and Incomplete gamma functions were used to estimate the parameters of lactation curve (a, b and on the basis of daily yield of milk. Results indicated that the average values of the gamma parameters were 2.14 ± 0.01 kg for a (beginning of milking ), 0.61 ± 0.02 kg for b (increasing milk production up to peak) and - 0.23± 0.01 kg for c (decreasing milk production from peak to dry). The effect of calving year was significant (p<0.01) on a, and (p<0.05) on b and (p<0.001) on c. The effect of age at calving and sex of calf was significant (p<0.01) on a but non significant on b and c. Season of calving, parity, and interaction between age and parity was not significant on all parameters. It was concluded that improving the productive performance of Shami cattle, requires applying a long term genetic improvement program to select the best herd.
The object of this search was the setting up of study of sterilized milk munofactore in Syria, and definition of causes to drop of quality and decrease of shelf-life. As will as study of factors affecting the shelf-life of sterilized milk and possibility of using of the new techniques in extension of sterilized milk's shelf-life for increment of the economic yield and the competition in the markets.

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