في إطار ازدياد الوعي حول قضايا البيئة, و الأسباب وراء تفاقم انبعاث الغازات, و الاستنزاف الكبير للموارد الطبيعية غير المتجددة في تشغيل القطاعات السكنية, و التجارية, و الصناعية, و غيرها, جاء البحث ضمن مفهوم العمارة الخضراء و متطلبات المباني الصديقة للبيئة, و أهم الأسباب وراء وقوف منظمات البيئة العالمية حول دعم و تطوير آلية توجيه المعماريين و المختصين إلى تبني عمارة قادرة على تحقيق التوازن بين قطاع المباني و بين البيئة الطبيعية المحيطة به, و جعل الموارد المتوفرة في البيئة جزءاً من برنامج التصميم, للتخفيف من التأثير الضار للمباني و القضاء على المدن المريضة.
كما يركز البحث على تجارب عالمية تعتمد تصميم المنازل الخضراء الصديقة للبيئة, و تستخدم أحدث التقنيات التكنولوجية المتوفرة, و التي تساعد على تحقيق هدف المصمم في خلق مسكن صحي ملائم للإنسان يمارس به نشاطاته المختلفة برفاهية كاملة و يطبق الاستدامة بكل جوانبها, للاستفادة منها في تطوير الواقع الراهن في مجتمعنا و تحويل مساكننا إلى مبان صحية أكثر ملاءمة.
In the framework of the increasing awareness about environmental issues, The
reasons behind the worsening greenhouse gas emissions, And the great attrition Of nonrenewable
natural resources In the operation of residential, commercial, industrial, and
other,Research came within the concept of green architecture, And green building
requirements, The most important reasons behind the support of the Global Environment
organizations About the support and guide the development of architects, and specialists
mechanism To adopt the architecture is able to achieve a balance between the buildings
sector and between the natural environment surrounding it, And make available resources
in the environment part of the design program, to mitigate the adverse impact of the
buildings and the elimination of diseased cities.
The research focuses on international experiences based green eco-friendly home
design, And using the latest technological techniques available, And which help to achieve
the goal of the designer in the creation of an appropriate healthy dwelling for a person
practiced by the various activities complete the well-being and applied sustainability in all
its aspects, For use in the development of the current reality in our society and to transform
our housing more convenient healthy buildings.
References used
Danial E, Williams. Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning., Canada,2007
Michael, B. Peter,M. Michael, S: Green Building Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture. Germany, 2010
NG SIN TING, C; WONG, N; YUE KA, J: Marie Short House, Studio U4 Structure and Passive Environmental Design, 2013
Most of the architectural studies are trying now to follow the new methods to solve the problems
of energy waste, and inefficiency of our buildings. The energy is consumed out by all sectors of
life randomly, and in particular in the construction s
Nowadays, the usage of NSAIDs has been increased dramatically
for relieving pain and the treatment of divers inflammatory
conditions, therefore, it is necessary to develop this class of drug
by increasing their activity and decreasing their side e
The popular participation is one of the main pillars of the local development process,
as it allows the opportunity for various community groups to contribute to the preparation,
management and implementation of development plans in line with their
This research was conducted in the Syrian coast (Lattakia and Tartous), where the research data were collected from (4) areas (Tartous, Baniyas, Jableh, Qardaha) and (2) villages were selected in the mentioned areas during the period 2011-2012 with t
This research aims to point out the role and the importance of Green
Areas inside the city. It also clarifies the various needs and evidence
related to the mechanism of the Urban Green plan, and the way to
create and manage, fully, functioning gre