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The popular participation is one of the main pillars of the local development process, as it allows the opportunity for various community groups to contribute to the preparation, management and implementation of development plans in line with their needs and aspirations, and it has a positive role in making success of development projects in a sustainable manner, so as to ensure the achievement of the comprehensive national development objectives. A real and effective participation requires adoption of sustainable enablement principle to build the public capacity, and to devote the human potential and efforts of local communities. In this context, the research presents a study of the concept of popular participation and its importance in local development, and it identifies the methods and levels of participation in the development process, its conditions, requirements and principles, as classifies levels and forms of popular participation during the phases of local development; in addition to presenting challenges of the participation in the local development processes. The research deals with an analysis of one of global experiences that applies sustainable enablement principle, to enhance the contribution of the community in achieving sustainable development of the local urban environment, in order to conclude the most important phases and criteria for sustainable enablement. The research concludes to a number of conclusions and recommendations aspires to promote the important role of public participation in local development, by creating mechanisms which could be used to activate participation at the level of local administrative units, and exploring the practical application way for enabling communities in all stages of the local development process, in order to provide different domains for popular participation in most important development issues.
يعد الرهان الاقتصادي و الاجتماعي للاستثمار في مؤسسات الصغيرة و المتوسطة و منها المصغرة في الجزائر ذا أهمية بالغة، حيث أن الاستثمار في مؤسسات المصغرة يوفر إجراءات تسييرية أقل تعقيداً و طرق إنتاج أكثر مرونة و قدرات تكييف أكثر ملائمة مع نسيج الأسواق الم حلية و الدولية التي تعرف ارتفاع في درجات عدم التأكد، و لهذا عرف هذا النوع من الاستثمار في الجزائر نمواً نتيجة العلاقات الباطنية الهامة و كذلك لارتفاع مكانته في النسيج الاقتصادي، فأصبح الاهتمام به و تنميته ضرورة لبلوغ التنمية.

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