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The Role of Internal Auditing Units in Managing Risks in Jordanian Insurance Corporations: Field study

دور وحدات التدقيق الداخلي في إدارة المخاطر في شركات التأمين الأردنية: دراسة ميدانية

2150   0   131   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of internal auditing units in managing risks in Jordanian insurance corporations. To achieve the objective of this study, a survey questionnaire consisting of the three sections: Risk assignments، risk assessment and risk responsiveness was distributed.

References used
FRASER I., 2004-Better of Apart، internal Auditing and Business Risk, IIAUK and Ireland
The Institute of Internal Auditor Ukand Ireland,op,cit
PICKETT S.K., 2003- The internal Auditing Hand book, 2nd. Tohn Wiley Inc,UK
rate research

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This resaerch aims at studying the relationship between internal audit procedures related to risk management and financial reporting reliability in private banking sector which is considered as the most important one affected directly by the econom ical development; and which its results are reflected on the whole financial society. That occurs by clarifying the procedures contribution in examining and evaluating risk management effectiveness, besides their roles in enhancing and developing it to increase financial reporting reliability. The study concluded that: Examining and evaluating risk management by internal audit enhances financial reporting reliability according to internal and external auditors. Also There is no significant differences in opinins between internal and exernal auditors about the effet of risk management’s internal audit procedures on the financial reporting reliability.
This study aims to state the extent of the contribution of internal audit in the reduction of operational risks faced by Islamic banks in Syria in order to protect and continuity. To achieve this goal, the researcher depends on the style of the quest ionnaire that has been distributed to workers in the management of banking operations and management of the internal audit in Islamic banks operating in Syria, that are 3 banks, where the total number of workers in both the Department of Banking Operations and Internal Audit Department is 70 employees, and has been distributed to 70, and collected 60 valid questionnaires for the study: 45 questionnaires relate to the Department of Banking Operations, 15 to the Internal Audit Department. The findings of this study showed that the Internal audit contribution in reduction of operational risks faced by Islamic banks in Syria, from the standpoint of the two specimens, the most important study, as recommended by the necessity of activating the role of the Internal Audit Department in the process of operational risk management in Islamic banks to ensure its continuity.
This research aims to identify the factors affecting the profitability of insurance companies operating in Syria, a contribution to assist the management of those companies to create the appropriate environment to ensure these companies to sustain and success in achieving their objectives and achieving the desired economic development. To achieve the purpose of the study, data was collected from insurance companies operating in Syria, two companies were excluded from the study, Oqaila Takaful Insurance Company because of its commitment to the principles of Islamic law, and the General Syrian Insurance Corporation because of the lack of of its financial data. The study period spanned from 2009 to 2013. For the purpose of the study data analysis was used a Panel Data model namely the pooled regression. The data were analyzed based on Eviews7. Results of the study showed that both the political crisis and investments positively affect the profitability of the company, while the leverage negatively affect the profitability of insurance companies, the company's size and liquidity, did not show an effect on the profitability of insurance companies.
This paper aims to evaluate internal marketing practices (the service culture, the internal training and disseminate the marketing information to employees) in all brokerage firms in Damascus. The research adopted quantitative approach and positivi sm philosophy besides deductive approach as scientific methodology for the research. The research population included employees working in all brokerage firms, (95) questionnaires were distributed to the workers in brokerage firms, (80) questionnaires were responded, the response rate was (84.21%). By using appropriate statistical methods, the study reached the following results: 1. There is service culture within brokerage firms working in Damascus. 2. There is no internal marketing within brokerage firms working in Damascus. 3. All brokerage firms in Damascus disseminated the marketing information to employees. 4.There were no statistically significant differences between the averages of employees’ evaluation of internal training in brokerage firms according to the number of experience years, while there were statistically significant differences between the averages of employees’ evaluation of service culture and disseminate the marketing information to employees in brokerage firms according to the number of experience years.
This study aimed to identify the positive aspects to help improve quality internal audit, including reducing the risk of wiser personal to the authors of the lists to financial and to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audito r in applying the standards of Internal Audit accepted. And to identify the efficiency of the work of staff in all departments and especially with regard to the audit procedure and the authors of the lists and financial statements of commercial banks of Jordan, as well as to identify the internal control system in light of the evolution of electronic processing used and the control procedures for the operations of the Commercial Bank and the extent to which reliability and avoid for personal provisions erroneous findings of this study to several conclusions and recommendations, among which was a commitment to good and acceptable standards of internal auditing standards, especially concerning the characteristics independence, objectivity, competence and professional due diligence and a link to the size of the internal audit quality Bank's capital and there is a shortage in the number of simple internal auditors. The most important recommendations was on the Jordanian Commercial Banks set a number sufficient internal auditors and qualified rehabilitation auditors continuously and must be on the Central Bank of Jordan and the organizers of the work of Jordanian Commercial Banks to issue further instructions to force banks to comply with the standards of internal audit to ensure the reduction of the personal provisions for preparers of financial statements commercial banks in Jordan. ...
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